• Resolved openthebible


    If our non-admin users try scrolling down to see more stories in the list or if they try going to drafts/published sections, they get an ”unable to load” error.

    This started out of a sudden. No new plugins were installed or updates made, so I believe that Web Stories plugin is acting weird.

    Seems to be similar to this: https://github.com/GoogleForCreators/web-stories-wp/issues/2950 But we do not use the plugin mentioned there and haven’t made any recent changes.

    I’ve also just sent you our Site Health information.

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by openthebible.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by openthebible.
Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 60 total)
  • Plugin Author Pascal Birchler


    Thanks for testing it though.

    We just released a new version of the plugin. Does the issue still exist after an update?

    Also, to really rule out any issues with custom capabilities, I created this little debug plugin just for you. Please download it using the “Download ZIP” button and upload & activate it on your site.

    Then, log in as the non-admin user and visit the WordPress admin dashboard.

    You should see a message like this:

    Please take a screenshot of it and share it here.

    Thread Starter openthebible



    Hi, the update did not change anything and the debug plugin shows all yeses.

    Thank you ??

    Plugin Author Pascal Birchler


    Alright, thanks for checking! So at least now we know for certain it’s not a capabilities issue.

    Coming back to your original statement with the failed request when loading more stories on the dashboard and the 414 error… Can you share the full URL that it tries to load and the response body here? You can get this in devtools.

    Thread Starter openthebible


    @swissspidy Can you please list all the steps for this?

    Also, because of your latest update, web story title tags are not shown in the source code. -.-

    Plugin Author Pascal Birchler


    Can you please list all the steps for this?


    1. Log in as the user with this issue.
    2. Visit the dashboard
    3. Open your browser’s dev tools by pressing F12
    4. Switch to the Network tab and filter by “Fetch/XHR” and “web-stories”
    5. Click on “Drafts”
    6. You should see a new red entry. Right click on the entry, copy the link address and the response and share it here. Or even better, copy as “HAR” and upload that somewhere (e.g. pastebin) and share it here.

    Also, because of your latest update, web story title tags are not shown in the source code

    That’s with PokaTheme, correct? Does it work with another theme?

    You could try installing this mini-plugin while we look into this to see if it resolves the issue. (Download ZIP & upload on the Plugins page)

    Thread Starter openthebible


    @swissspidy Here you go: https://pastebin.com/213TnENZ

    That mini plugin fixed the issue, but I found another one, it is duplicate meta descriptions, this was also caused by that same update.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by openthebible.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by openthebible.
    Plugin Author Pascal Birchler


    Thank you. This was really helpful. Feel free to delete it again now.

    Now, I don’t like running in circles, but this really, really, turns out to be a server issue and is not an issue with the Web Stories plugin.

    Citing a previous reply:

    This error could be linked to these issues. The 414 error typically means the requested URL is too long. This is unusual because the requested URL here doesn’t look to be too long, and typically servers handle much longer URLs.

    This is exactly what is happening here.

    Something on your server does not allow longer URLs. Either on the firewall level, PHP level, or web server (LiteSpeed) level.

    In fact, from what I can see, your server has a limit of 278 characters for request URLs. This is very unusual, as typically these limits are more in the area of 5000-10000 characters.

    Pretty sure you will be able to verify this in the WordPress admin as well.

    1. Go to Posts -> Add New
    2. Open your browser dev tools via F12
    3. Under “Console”, type await wp.apiFetch({ path: 'wp/v2/posts?embed=true&_fields=a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1,g1,h1,i1,j1,k1,l1,m1,n1,o1,p1,q1,r1,s1,t12' }) and press Enter -> this will make a request to https://www.pokcas.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts?embed=true&_fields=a%2Cb%2Cc%2Cd%2Ce%2Cf%2Cg%2Ch%2Ci%2Cj%2Ck%2Cl%2Cm%2Cn%2Co%2Cp%2Cq%2Cr%2Cs%2Ct%2Cu%2Cv%2Cw%2Cx%2Cy%2Cz%2Ca1%2Cb1%2Cc1%2Cd1%2Ce1%2Cf1%2Cg1%2Ch1%2Ci1%2Cj1%2Ck1%2Cl1%2Cm1%2Cn1%2Co1%2Cp1%2Cq1%2Cr1%2Cs1%2Ct12&_locale=user (277 characters long) ->
    4. Now type await wp.apiFetch({ path: 'wp/v2/posts?embed=true&_fields=a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1,g1,h1,i1,j1,k1,l1,m1,n1,o1,p1,q1,r1,s1,t123' }) and press Enter -> this will be a 278 characters long URL -> see error message

    Again, this happens even outside the Web Stories editor. It’s not an issue with the plugin, but with your server.

    I’m pretty sure the same limit is causing the fonts in the font picker not to load. And pretty sure this will also be causing issues for you with the block editor.

    but I found another one, it is duplicate meta descriptions

    This is most likely not caused by the Web Stories plugin, but is coming from your theme or another plugin. Since you are using Yoast SEO, our plugin does not print any meta description because Yoast SEO does everything. But in your case, there’s still a second one. Plus, we have not changed anything regarding meta descriptions in months, so very unlikely that it’s caused by this update.

    I suggest switching themes to see if this still happens, and then reach out to your hosting provider.

    Thread Starter openthebible


    @swissspidy Sent this info to our hosting’s tech guys, will see what they say.

    Regarding the double meta description, it is not a Yoast plugin conflict and it has nothing to do with our theme. Our theme has never caused any issues with any plugins. It was caused by that same update that was making meta titles disappear (not just for us).

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by openthebible.
    Plugin Author Pascal Birchler


    You can add add_filter( 'web_stories_enable_metadata', '__return_false' ); somewhere in a theme or plugin to force-disable meta description output in the plugin (like Yoast SEO does).
    If you still get double meta descriptions after that, then it’s 100% an issue with your theme or plugin.

    Thread Starter openthebible


    @swissspidy There are no issues with our theme and Yoast plugin doesn’t seem to be causing it.

    How do I add this code if I am not a developer?

    @openthebible Just checking in to see if you were able to add the filter provided by Pascal?

    Thread Starter openthebible


    @adamdunnage Hi Adam, I am not sure how can I add it? I am not a developer/programmer myself. Thanks.

    Plugin Author Pascal Birchler


    Hi there

    I’ve created this little plugin for you to download & install: https://gist.github.com/swissspidy/c9d1bb71b4f067233a6f119d7ab185a4

    If this works and removes one of the two meta descriptions, then the other one is coming from your theme or another plugin, which would need resolving on its own.

    If this does not work and you still see duplicate meta descriptions after activating that plugin, then I recommend finding a developer to fix your site.

    Thread Starter openthebible


    @swissspidy Hi, I can still see them, one is ”meta name=description” while another one is meta property=og:description.

    This appeared after your latest update, we did not do anything ourselves. And there is no meta description in Yoast settings/no plugin conflict.

    Plugin Author Pascal Birchler


    Wait, those are two entirely separate things with different names! These are not duplicates!

    One is the meta description for search engines, the other one is for things like Facebook (Open Graph aka og).

    That‘s not an issue, it‘s entirely expected.

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