Some thumbnails do not display.
Everything appears to work fine
-EXCEPT: About half of the thumbnails in the gallery are not showing up. Only the gray background is shown. When the blank thumbnail is clicked, it will pop-up the gallery and display the image fine, but still no thumbnail.
I have the same problem with all of my pages… With updated version of the plugin and with the old version.
I guess it has something to do with Facebook. :S It seams that plugin or better said certain thumbnails don’t have the right link to the image… The problem is that thumbnail’s links look like: (this one doesn’t work)But if you delete v/, thumbnail will work (with “Inspect Element”):, I have no idea, how to fix it…
Yep, same problem here on a dev site i’m working on. loads of forbidden errors in the network log. facebook hotlinking prevention maybe?
changing to another plugin. any recommendations?
If you change <i style=”background-image:url(<?php echo $picture ?>)”></i> to <i style=”background-image:url(<?php echo $photo->source ?>)”></i> this is templates/single-album.php of the plugin folder
the images will show for the thumbnails, this is a band-aid fix, but it works:
Thanks rcaweb! Will try that fix but in the mean time, I had to switch my site to the Facebook Albums plugin due to deadlines etc.
Thanks rcaweb, that works!
Yep. Thanks much!
rcaweb how do u make the whole album to get load?
rcaweb thanks for sharing. However, when I click “Show more” the page again loads empty thumbnails…
What solution do I have?
THANK YOU rcaweb! This works. If you also change templates/single-album-ajax.php then it solves the problem of the “show more” images not working.
Hello, thank you all for your advises.
I change codes that “rcaweb” advised in single-album.php and single-album-ajax.php too. But, it didnt work for me. I still can’t see thumbnails.
Same problem as “geckoblue4ever”.Any other advises?
tried your fix and now the grayed out thumbnails aren’t showing. How did it get so messed up. Reinstalled an older plugin, back when it worked, album gone still, updated, it’s back but with gray thumbnails.. If anyone else knows of a good way to fix, please post. There are three years of albums on my friend’s site, and it will be hell to go back and edit each one.
Solution from a friend. May it can be helpful for you.
Just put
$picture = $photo->picture; as he said at the bottom of
-7 and 8 line of single-album.php
-3 and 4 line of single-album-ajax.php
It works.sadly I don’t see a change, it’s still grayed out ?? thank you for trying to help though
Give it a try! ^_^ May i can’t tell it right.
Working in my site file codes are here.
I hope it works on yours.
single-album.php<blockquote></blockquote><div class="fb-PhotosWrap fb-container" data-paging="<?php $next ?>"> <div id="<?php $count . "_" . $id ?>" data-next="<?php $next ?>" data-id="<?php $id ?>" data-limit="<?php $limit ?>" data-showfburl="<?php $showfburl ?>" class="fb-PhotoGallery fb-Clear"> <div class="fb-PhotoContainer" data-albumid="<?php echo $albumid ?>" data-page="1" > <?php if(!empty($photos->data)): foreach ($photos->data as $key => $photo) { $res = Fppg::str_lreplace('/', '/' . $code . '/', $photo->picture); $picture = $photo->picture; $picture= preg_replace('/_[aso].([^_a.]*)$/', '_n.$1', $res); $picture = $photo->picture; $rel = $settings['fppg_gallery'] == 'PrettyPhoto' ? 'fbgallery[' . $albumid . ']' : $albumid . 'fbgallery'; ?> <div class="fb-PhotoThumbWrap"> <a id="" target="_blank" class="fb-PhotoThumbLink fb-PhotoThumbnail fb-Photo<?php echo $classtext ?>Thumb" data-cancomment="" data-viewonfb="<?php echo $showfblink ?>" data-fburl="<?php echo $photo->link ?>" data-from="<?php echo $photo->from->id ?>" data-id="<?php echo $photo->id ?>" href="<?php echo $photo->source ?>" rel="<?php echo $rel ?>" title="<?php echo $photo->name ?>"> <i style="background-image:url(<?php echo $picture ?>)"></i> </a> </div> <?php } endif; ?> <?php if($next!=""){ ?> <div class="fb-BottomBar" data-page="1" data-size="<?php echo strtolower($classtext); ?>" data-cancomment="<?php echo $cancomment ?>" data-next="<?php echo $next ?>" data-id="<?php echo $id ?>" ><span class="fb-Loadmore" style="margin: 0 5px"><img src="<?php echo FPPG_URL ?>images/down-pointer.png" /><span id="fb-LoadMoreWall"><?php echo __('Show more', 'fppg') ?></span></span></div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div>
<?php foreach ($photos as $key => $photo) { $res = Fppg::str_lreplace('/', '/' . $code . '/', $photo->picture); $picture = $photo->picture; $picture = preg_replace('/_[aso].([^_a.]*)$/', '_n.$1', $res); $picture = $photo->picture; $rel = $settings['fppg_gallery'] == 'PrettyPhoto' ? 'fpgallery[' . $albumid . ']' : $albumid . 'fpgallery'; ?> <div class="fb-PhotoThumbWrap"> <a id="" target="_blank" class="fb-PhotoThumbLink fb-PhotoThumbnail fb-Photo<?php echo $classtext ?>Thumb" data-cancomment="" data-viewonfb="<?php echo $showfblink ?>" data-fburl="<?php echo $photo->link ?>" data-from="<?php echo $photo->from->id ?>" data-id="<?php echo $photo->id ?>" href="<?php echo $photo->source ?>" rel="<?php echo $rel ?>" title="<?php echo $photo->name ?>"> <i style="background-image:url(<?php echo $picture ?>)"></i> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($next != "") { ?> <div class="fb-BottomBar" data-page="1" data-size="<?php echo strtolower($classtext); ?>" data-cancomment="<?php echo $cancomment ?>" data-next="<?php echo $next ?>" data-id="<?php echo $id ?>" ><span class="fb-Loadmore" style="margin: 0 5px"><img src="<?php echo FPPG_URL ?>images/down-pointer.png" /><span id="fb-LoadMoreWall"><?php echo __('Show more', 'fppg') ?></span></span></div> <?php }
Ah-ha! that did something! Now the thumbnails are smaller than the boxes set up for them, but I see the images. thank you.
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