• Resolved onlyway


    Here is my little wish list. Maybe some of these things already exist, if so please point me in the right direction.

    1.) Points Key – some page that shows all the ways users can earn points
    2.) In user log area it would be most useful to show actual username – not the display name
    3.) In user log area it would also be great to show a list of users ordered by total number of points.

    Thanks for a great plugin!!!


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  • Thread Starter onlyway


    Another idea

    It would also be great if had some way to hook into a altcoin or several altcoins.

    Plugin Author myCred


    Hey onlyway.

    1) This one is a bit tricky to develop. The main reason is because people use the myCRED hooks in a a lot of different ways. It would be a lot faster for you to just list the things that gives points yourself on a page like I do on the mycred.me website. But I am looking to see if there is something generic I can do for version 1.5 of myCRED.

    2) This one falls under “customization” so there is a filter for this. You can show anything you want for each log column. Here is a code snippet for your themes functions.php file which will change the log to always show the users username:

    add_filter( 'mycred_log_username', 'mycred_pro_username_column_content', 10, 3 );
    function mycred_pro_username_column_content( $content, $user_id, $log_entry ) {
    	$user = get_userdata( $user_id );
    	// Make sure user still exists
    	if ( ! isset( $user->user_login ) )
    		return '-';
    	return $user->user_login;

    You can do this with all built-in columns as they all have a filter. The filter name is organized by the column title: mycred_log_{column_name}.

    User column: mycred_log_username
    Time column: mycred_log_date
    Amount column: mycred_log_creds
    Entry column: mycred_log_entry
    Your own custom column: mycred_log_mycustomcol

    3. On the Users page in the admin area the Points column is sortable. You can click on the column header to sort users according to their balance in a ascending or descending order.

    Finally I am currently beta testing a new gateway for Coin Payments.

    aaah it is time to finally migrate our cubepoints with buddypress install to myCRED…. been going through all the documentation on myCred… have few questions

    1> Is there an easy way to migrate existing user points in cubepoints to myCRED… at the end of the day i thought of renaming the user_meta value “cpoints” to whatever user meta value the mycred system uses? That is ofcourse assuming the total value of points IS written to the user meta table

    2> On the transfer points between users widget… we build a autosuggest feature into our site that populates the select box when a user starts typing his friends name… does something similar exist in myCRED?

    3> would it be easy to add points to custom posts eg a user adds a custom post called Movie Review?

    4> Last but not least we use the BP Gifts Reborn plugin allowing users to send gifts to one another, the plugin has the ability to subtract cost of the gift from cubepoints. Any support for this in MyCRED?

    aaah forgot – cubepoints had a really nice growl like pop up feature that showed as a user got points – anything similiar?

    Plugin Author myCred


    Hey maddogmcewan.

    1) Yep, once you have setup myCRED, you will find 3 import tools under Tools > Import in your admin area. You can import CubePoints balances and log entries or CSV files.

    You can find more information about importing in at https://codex.mycred.me/get-started/the-log/.

    2) The transfer shortcode mycred_transfer and the transfer widget has a autocomplete feature build-in. You can however also pre populate a particular user as well. Transfers are done via AJAX in myCRED.

    You can find more information about the Transfer add-on at https://mycred.me/add-ons/transfer/

    3) myCRED has a hook called “Points for publishing content”. You can award points to any custom post type currently registered on your website. Post types registered as “Built in” and are not “Public” are not shown in this list. Also bbPress forum / topic / reply would not be here either since they are managed by a different hook.

    You can find more information about available hooks at: https://mycred.me/about/hooks/

    4) If this is the gift plugin that comes in the CubePoints for BuddyPress plugin then yes, it is supported.

    5) Of course, myCRED calls it “Notifications” and it is a build-in add-on. There is a premium version of it as well which helps you style things if you are uncomfortable with CSS. You can also select where the notice shows on the screen and set different colors for positive and negative values. You can also set the template to use for notices.

    You can find more information about this add on at: https://mycred.me/add-ons/notifications/

    myCRED add-ons are like CubePoints Modules. You have a number of add-ons build-in that you can enable on the myCRED > Add-ons page in your admin area.

    If you want to develop you own add-ons there is a codex entry on the Modules API.

    Let me know if you require any further assistance and welcome to myCRED.

    WOW WOW WOW – wow again —– incredible stuff and incredible support – this is worth paying for !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mucho gracias

    Thread Starter onlyway


    I was totally bummed about switching off of cubepoints…like totally! BUT I am so glad I did!! This thing is awesome, like totally awesome!!!

    Thanks for the awesome plugin and and support!

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