Some WooCommerce Categories Synced to Commerce Manager
I am trying to gather information of how, when and maybe “where from” does the Facebook for WooCommerce Plugin sync WooCommerce Product Categories over to the Commerce Catalog.Some background. All the products that have been synced to facebook/instagram have been synced with this plugin. Nothing else as come between. This means that all the information I have to my disposal must come from the sync that has been made with the plugin.
When I go into Commerce manager and want to create a set I am presented with the option of using categories as a filter. Some of these categories I recognize from my WooCommerce setup and some of them I don′t. Curiously the sync process has been able, in some cases, combinations have been created, that is products that have been configured in 2 Categories are displayed as for example “101 Copenhagen, Instagram”. In the Commerce Manager they are presented as one, although they are clearly 2 categories.
My question(s) are though related to the fact that not all my categories seem to sync and more interestingly some curious categories seem to have been created in the Commerce Manager.
Question 1:
Having established the fact that categories were, maybe not at present, being synced how to I sync all of my categories to the Commerce Manager (Shops)?Some newer categories (1 month old) have been transferred but not all the products are linked in the Commerce Manager. Some categories that I have had for a really long time don′t seem the have been transferred.
Question 2:
I see a category called 543523 in my Commerce Manager. I found that odd. I also found it odd that it linked 4 products that really aren’t fully linked together through categories in WooCommerce. That is, not all of them are in the same category.
However, and this is where it turns into something interesting, this group of 4 products contains 2 products that have it in common that they are the only 2 products I have tried to define with a “Google Product Category” and the category was “Records & LPs”A quick lookup for that online
543523 – Media > Music & Sound Recordings > Records & LPsVoila. My mysterious category name is the google product category number. And that’s like “OK” if products that have not been defined as that in WooCommerce wouldn’t appear in it.
Furthermore I can see this in my log:
) body: {"name":"N\u00fa Ninja \u2013 Catalogue","id":"989618121529414"} 05-23-2021 @ 17:36:05 - Google Product Category to Facebook attributes mapping for category with id: 543523 not found 05-23-2021 @ 17:36:05 - Google Product Category to Facebook attributes mapping for category with id: 543523 not found 05-23-2021 @ 17:36:09 - Request Request method: POST uri: user-agent: Facebook-for-WooCommerce/2.5.0 (WooCommerce/5.3.0; WordPress/5.7.2) headers: Array (
Google product category 543523 not found.
So my question is: Does this plugin support google product categories and do you guys have any idea of why my configuration of those resulted in my having a category definition with the name 543523
With absolute best regards
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