Thanks for the reply and such a quick one. I have just started a demo website for my church (which is A calendar is very important for churches, so it is a plug-in I have been shopping for “religiously” in the past few days. I am not related nor do I know blogger_ST, but if (s)he had the same opinion as I do on various calendars, then maybe they are valid opinions.
What I found was that your plug-in (I presume it was your plugin as this happened incidentally to activating CalPress and starting to work with it) changed an IE setting in Tools. The “Compatibility View” became checked. I got various other anomalies as well because of this item being checked. Uploaded images to WordPress would not appear in my Media Library, and websites such as Google/News would not load images. Also the menu on my demo website became vertical instead of horizontal, so trailed down over the header image and into the main body of the page.
This was unnerving, to say the least, and I spent quite a bit of time before I found the check-marked “Compatibility View” in Tools – which cleared up all my browsing and viewing problems.
I am currently working with Spiffy Calendar, which is the “best” one I’ve come across so far – but it has issues as well, as I have outlined on a post, which you apparently are good at finding. ??
I suppose I am still in the market for the perfect (if that exists) calendar.
Again thanks for your reply, and I hope my explanation helps.