Sorry, Frustrated and Angry
Greetings, and my apologies for the negativity, but …
I have been attempting for sometime now to set up a website that will do what I want. I have encountered WordPress sites before when I looked into doing some blogging. I ceased because WP was not capable of something as simple as a tabbed indent at the beginning of a paragraph.
I am currently working in another open source CMS, and find it to be chaotic, non-intuitive, and poorly supportive of the needs of a gaming community. My experience has been negative. I cannot invest hundreds and thousands of dollars into this effort, nor as someone using an NPL Team Speak may I seek assistance. My experience so far in Open Source material leads me to a feeling that those who are not programmers are intended to be disenfranchised and disregarded. While I would like to believe this is not true, I am attempting at this time to determine if there is any reason to bother with WordPress.
Thus far I see the same gobbledy-gook going to the same nowhere as I see elsewhere. If one is not a blogger brainwashed by modern illiteracy and poor penmanship then one must needs be a budding entrepreneur with the pocket change to hire a professional to do everything for them. “What you see is what you get” sites are almost always poorly hinged together graphics and incapable of the effects I need anyway. My site is not currently in WordPress. I see no reason to try and switch it over if all I am going to encounter is more wasted time accomplishing nothing.
The website I have has controls where to cover a topic one must jump through 3-5 different hoops of random unorganized locations to display something that will only half work. The locations in the back-end are displayed with all the organizational skill of a blunderbuss shot pattern. I am old enough to remember writing flow charts from which routines and shells would be developed. I see nothing so logical in the flow of my current CMS. What should have been a simple selection of choices moving through a logical flow dealing with template design, presentation to those first encountering the site (about page, club bylaws, etc.), collection of data in an application, assignment of positions, ranks, and duties of members and personnel, division of member data into viewable categories according to those positions, creation of front-end admin panels with various permissions, ranks, and duties, managing of awards, creation of pages for member personal expression, information pages, news feeds, forum management, gallery management, and events management is instead a nightmare of hidden materials, guesswork, scattered loose-ends, and things that if found once – can never be found again, and go hunting for some $50 to $500+ mod.
So, will WordPress be more of the same, or will I be able to simply create what I want, offline, and upload a functional ready to go, do what I want website?
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