• Hi,

    I installed a plugin (Custom Code Manager PRO) and added it the the Admin menu using Client Dash but all I get is the message “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page” after clicking on the new menu item.

    How do I fix this permissions issue?

    Thanks in advance,

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  • Thread Starter gregsloman


    FYI I have version 2.1.6 installed and I’m logged in as Admin. WP version is latest (5.8.3).

    Plugin Author d4mation



    To clarify, are you adding this menu item to a non-Admin role?

    I don’t have the Pro version of Custom Code Manager installed, but looking at the version available in the www.ads-software.com Plugins Repository it requires the capability “manage_options” for each admin page it creates.

    Client Dash does not modify the capabilities necessary to reach a page if you manually add it to a Role’s menu. So if you were trying to access this page as an Editor, for example, you would not be able to access it. “manage_options” is an Administrator-only capability.

    Thread Starter gregsloman


    No, not an non-admin role. I added it as an Administrator.

    I hope you can help!

    Plugin Author d4mation



    Could you walk me through how you added it to the Administrator role’s menu?

    Did you have your Admin Menu customized prior to installing Custom Code Manager Pro and then re-edited your Admin Menu to add it in?

    I noticed that when I didn’t have any customizations made to my Admin Menu and I then activated Custom Code Manager, everything worked properly. I could then rearrange it within the Menu and even rename it with everything still working.

    But if I already had customizations made and then activated Custom Code Manager, it caused problems after adding it to my Admin Menu. In my case, it took me to /wp-admin/code/ when clicked which oddly put me on the home page rather than the error screen you got, but that could be a difference with the Pro version of Custom Code Manager.

    Does your issue still persist if you reset your role customizations for Administrator and then attempt to access the menu item for Custom Code Manager Pro?

    Thread Starter gregsloman


    To be clear – Custom Code Manager adds a single parent menu item to the admin menu with 4 child options (I know this if I deactivate Client Dash). Client Dash only adds the parent menu from Custom Code Manager and not it’s child menu items. With Client Dash switched back on, clicking the Custom Code Manager parent menu displays the default WP 404 page and if I create one of the child menu items in Client Dash, this results in Client Dash display the “Sorry, you are not allowed…” message.

    Thread Starter gregsloman


    You appear to have replicated exactly the issues I’m having. Yes, I already had Client Dash Customisations in place.

    So is the workaround to first remove all customisations from Client Dash and start again with the customisations?

    Plugin Author d4mation



    I’m sorry, it seems that I missed your reply.

    Yes, in my case it seemed that starting with a “fresh slate” in Client Dash prevented this issue. I can’t say for sure whether this will stay true of the Pro version of the Custom Code Manager plugin though so it may be wise to test this first within a Local or Staging environment.

    Thread Starter gregsloman


    Is there a way to save the current configuration before I uninstall and re-install?

    Plugin Author d4mation


    There’s a database table called wp_cd_customizations where the admin menu customizations per-role are stored. If you copy the entry for the administrator role from there, you could overwrite it with the same data again as a way to restore it in the future.

    However, if clearing it out and re-customizing works for you to get around this issue with Custom Code Manager Pro then you’ll have to re-customize the Admin Menu rather than restoring this backup.

    Thread Starter gregsloman


    Many thanks

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