• Great plugin. But I need to sort the order of some of custom post types. Can you add a sort order. I’ve checked your source code and made the necessary changes, but obviously when you update this will wipe my changes. Here is what I did to get it functioning:

    Added the following to line 425

    // get sort order
    $order = (isset($atts['order']) ? sanitize_text_field($atts['order']) : null);

    Added $order to each of your function calls. For example:

    wsp_return_content_type_cpt_items( $is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $cpt, $only_cpt, $wsp_exclude_pages, $sort, $order );

    Added $order to each of the return_content_type function parameters. For example:

    function wsp_return_content_type_cpt_items( $is_title_displayed=true, $display_nofollow=false, $cpt, $post_type, $wsp_exclude_pages, $sort=null, $order=null )

    Added the following to each of the return_content_type functions.

    // change the sort order
    if ($sort!==null) {
    	$args['orderby'] = $sort;

    Then when you write your shortcode, you just have to add order=”ASC” or order=”DESC”

    These changes only took a few minutes to make and now I can sort my posts. Can you implement these changes?



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  • Hi awelsh,

    I’m looking to reverse the order of the alphabetical order (as it’s from Z to A, instead of A to Z with order = title…

    On which lines did you add the $order to function calls and return_content_type function parameters? Or could you share your .php?

    Cheers, Ed’

    Thread Starter awelsh


    Hi Eddiebouncer,

    I just did a search for where $sort was being used and added the extra $order argument.

    You first need to get and store the shortcode attribute. I my case I called it order. The plugin author was already getting the sort attribute, so I copied his code and configured it get the order attribute.

    Look for the line where

    $sort = (isset($atts['sort']) ? sanitize_text_field($atts['sort']) : null);

    And then add the following after or before it

    $order = (isset($atts['order']) ? sanitize_text_field($atts['order']) : null);

    You then need to jump down 50 or so lines for the following (around line 470) and add the $order variable to function calls that also have $sort.

    // check if the attribute "only" is used
    	switch ($only_cpt) {
    		// display only PAGE
    		case 'page':
    			return wsp_return_content_type_page($is_title_displayed, $is_get_only_private, $display_nofollow, $wsp_exclude_pages, $sort, $order).$copyright_link;
    		// display only POST
    		case 'post':
    			return wsp_return_content_type_post($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $display_post_only_once, $wsp_exclude_pages, $sort, $order).$copyright_link;
    		// display only ARCHIVE
    		case 'archive':
    			return wsp_return_content_type_archive($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow).$copyright_link;
    		// display only AUTHOR
    		case 'author':
    			return wsp_return_content_type_author($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $sort, $order).$copyright_link;
    		// display only CATEGORY
    		case 'category':
    			return wsp_return_content_type_categories($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $sort, $order).$copyright_link;
    		// display only TAGS
    		case 'tag':
    			return wsp_return_content_type_tag($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow).$copyright_link;
    		// empty
    		case '':
    			// nothing but do
    			// check if it's the name of a CPT
    			// extract CPT object
    			$cpt = get_post_type_object( $only_cpt );
    			if ( !empty($cpt) ) {
    				return wsp_return_content_type_cpt_items( $is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $cpt, $only_cpt, $wsp_exclude_pages, $sort, $order );
    			// check if it's a taxonomy
    			$taxonomy_obj = get_taxonomy( $only_cpt );
    			if ( !empty($taxonomy_obj) ) {
    				return wsp_return_content_type_taxonomy_items($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $taxonomy_obj, $wsp_exclude_pages);
    			// end

    Do a search for each of those functions and add the $order variable to their argument list. For example, around line 900 you can find the custom post type function.

    function wsp_return_content_type_cpt_items( $is_title_displayed=true, $display_nofollow=false, $cpt, $post_type, $wsp_exclude_pages, $sort=null, $order=null )

    Inside each of those functions you need to add the following before the call to $posts_cpt = get_posts( $args ) is made.

    // change the sort order
    if ($order!=null){
    	$args['order'] = $order;

    That should be about all. If you know some PHP it shouldn’t be hard to implement. But hopefully the plugin will be able to implement this kind of feature.


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