Yes, that is a limitation coming from the Datatables engine that we are using as the core of our tables functionality. (Reference here)
What you can do as a workaround is to adopt the plugin with Local based sorting?.
With any code/text editor, you can edit this JS file. The path is :
around line 104, you will add this :
$.fn.dataTable.ext.order.intl = function ( locales, options ) {
? if ( window.Intl ) {
? var collator = new window.Intl.Collator( locales, options );
? var types = $.fn.dataTable.ext.type;
? delete types.order['string-pre'];
? types.order['string-asc'] = collator.compare;
? types.order['string-desc'] = function ( a, b ) {
? return collator.compare( a, b ) * -1;
? };
? }
? };
and then disable the Minify JS option at main plugin settings/Custom JS and CSS/’Use minified wpDataTables Javascript’
Please note that this will be overwritten in the next update, so you need to do this again at every update.
Kind regards.
This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by