• Resolved ajuliano



    This a really great plugin that helps us a lot in our work!

    But we have a problem where the Sortable Function for groups isn’t working. Even after saving the Page as noted as a solution here: https://github.com/WebDevStudios/CMB2/issues/692

    We are using the following plugins:

      Here is the code for the field:

      	 * Repeatable Field Groups
      	 * SIDL?NKAR
      	$cmb_group = new_cmb2_box( array(
      		'id'           => $prefix . 'subfeatured_links_metabox',
      		'title'        => __( 'Bassidor', 'cmb2' ),
      		'context'      => 'after_title',
      		'object_types' => array( 'page' ),
      		'show_on'      => array( 'key' => 'page-template', 'value' => array( 'template-landing.php', 'template-poi.php' ) ),
      	) );
      	// $group_field_id is the field id string, so in this case: $prefix . 'demo'
      	$group_field_id = $cmb_group->add_field( array(
      		'id'          => $prefix . 'subfeatured_content',
      		'type'        => 'group',
      		'description' => __( 'Bassidor visas i kolumner l?ngst ned p? Landningssidan med Rubrik, Ingress och L?nk.', 'cmb2' ),
      		'options'     => array(
      			'group_title'   => __( 'Bassida {#}', 'cmb2' ), // {#} gets replaced by row number
      			'add_button'    => __( 'L?gg till Bassida', 'cmb2' ),
      			'remove_button' => __( 'Ta bort Bassida', 'cmb2' ),
      			'sortable'      => true, // beta
      			'closed'     => false, // true to have the groups closed by default
      	) );
      	 * Group fields works the same, except ids only need
      	 * to be unique to the group. Prefix is not needed.
      	 * The parent field's id needs to be passed as the first argument.
      	$cmb_group->add_group_field( $group_field_id, array(
      		'name'    => __( 'Bassida', 'cmb2' ),
      		'desc'    => __( 'V?lj bassida att visa. Rubrik, Ingress och L?nk h?mtas automatiskt.', 'cmb2' ),
      		'id'      => 'attached_cmb2_attached_posts',
      		'type'    => 'custom_attached_posts',
      		'options' => array(
      			'show_thumbnails' => true, // Show thumbnails on the left
      			'filter_boxes'    => false, // Show a text box for filtering the results
      			'query_args'      => array( 'post_type'=>array( 'page'), 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_parent' => $_GET['post'] ), // override the get_posts args
      			'max_attached'    => true
      	) );
         $cmb_group->add_group_field( $group_field_id, array(
      		'name' => 'Anpassa',
      		'id'   => 'custom_content_checkbox',
      		'type' => 'checkbox',
      		'description' => 'Kryssa i denna ruta f?r att anpassa: Rubrik, Ingress, L?nk och/eller L?nktext. OBS! Kryssa ?ven i denna rutan om du vill l?nka till n?got som inte ?r en undersida.'
      	) );
      	$cmb_group->add_group_field( $group_field_id, array(
      		'name'       => __( 'Anpassad rubrik', 'cmb2' ),
      		'id'         => 'heading',
      		'type'       => 'text',
      		'attributes' => array(
      			'data-conditional-id'    => wp_json_encode( array( $group_field_id, 'custom_content_checkbox' ) ),
      			'data-conditional-value' => 'on',
      	) );
      	$cmb_group->add_group_field( $group_field_id, array(
      		'name'        => __( 'Anpassad ingress', 'cmb2' ),
      		//'description' => __( '', 'cmb2' ),
      		'id'          => 'content',
      		'type'        => 'textarea_small',
      		'attributes' => array(
      			'data-conditional-id'    => wp_json_encode( array( $group_field_id, 'custom_content_checkbox' ) ),
      			'data-conditional-value' => 'on',
      	) );
      	$cmb_group->add_group_field( $group_field_id, array(
      		'name'       => __( 'Anpassad l?nk', 'cmb2' ),
      		'id'         => 'link_picked',
      		'type'       => 'link_picker',
      		'attributes' => array(
      			'data-conditional-id'    => wp_json_encode( array( $group_field_id, 'custom_content_checkbox' ) ),
      			'data-conditional-value' => 'on',
      	) );
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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Can you go into better detail about exactly what you’re experiencing? I know you point out an issue, but it’s to one that I had the original reporter move to the forums here, so there’s a disconnect going on.

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