• Resolved dewaalman


    Hi there

    I would like to order product attributes in a non-alphabetical way. I want certain attributes to be together and A-Z is not doing that right. I’m not referring to the values within an attribute (such as S, M, L, XL, withing the attribute ‘Size’) since I have enabled Custom Sorting on all attributes. The problem is that the items on Products > Attributes cannot be ordered in a way other than alphabetically.

    I am running WCfM Multivendor Marketplace + Frontend Manager + Memberships. When a vendor adds products via the WCfM dashboard, product attribute fields should be displayed in this custom order. This means that the values should be in my preferred order in WooCommerce. I have already confirmed this on the WCfM forum.

    Please let me know if this might be possible.

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  • Plugin Support Hannah S.L.


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hey there!

    I’ve read through your question, but I’m not completely clear on what you’re looking for. Could you please give a concrete example on how the product attributes aren’t sorting correctly?

    Thread Starter dewaalman


    Hi Hannah

    All the product attributes I’ve added are in alphabetical order on the WC Attributes page.
    This means that when a new product is added (in WooCommerce as well as in WCfM), the attributes are displayed in alphabetical order. I don’t want them to be that way but rather in a custom order, so that they will appear in a way that makes sense to the user.

    Rather than give each vendor a list of which attribute should be first, second, etc, I would like each attribute to be in the right position when the product is added. This way they will all appear similarly on the product page (under Additional Information).

    I hope this is more clear. Basically I want to order attributes my own way so they appear in that specific order globally.

    Thanks for your time

    Plugin Support Hannah S.L.


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hey there,

    Thanks for explaining!

    I’m not sure which vendor plugin you’re using, but can explain how to handle re-ordering attributes in general for WooCommerce.

    If you’re working with global attributes, you can rearrange the terms for each attribute via WP Admin under Products > Attributes > Edit:

    Global attributes
    Link to image: https://cld.wthms.co/FiEeRS

    You can rearrange the attribute terms in any order you’d like using drag and drop:

    Drag and drop
    Link to image: https://cld.wthms.co/2nywn0

    If you’re using product level attributes, then you can rearrange those by modifying the term text:

    Product attribute terms
    Link to image: https://cld.wthms.co/22MbNR



    The Mother of Code

    I’m resolving this topic as it has become dormant. Please open up a new topic if you need help with anything else!

    Thread Starter dewaalman


    Hi again Hannah

    Sorry for the delay, I’ve been away.

    Thanks for your reply but I think I still haven’t made it clear.
    Please see the image below:

    View post on imgur.com

    I would like to sort the attributes themselves and not the terms within them.
    I have looked at plugins but been unable to find one that can do this.

    Thanks for your assistance.



    + 1 @dewaalman question – have same issue.

    Not sure why this is marked as resolved? The question was how to order attributes, not attribute terms?

    It is easy to drag and drop the order per product, but with over 1000 products using global attributes, surely there is a way to order the actual attribute globally? Thanks

    I am trying to figure out the same thing. I tried using the plugin Custom Taxonomy Order, where I could filter the attributes like I wanted. So far so good. But the plugin adds links to attribute archives (or changes the attribute settings somehow so that it appeares to have an archive, I don’t know), even if I have not chosen to create archives for the attributes. Therefor it links to a 404-page. I would love to be able to drag and drop the attributes in the main Attribute page in the same way you can drag and drop the attribute terms for each attribute.

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