• Resolved agxer


    Hey there!

    I read on another post here that it isn’t possible to filter by store category??

    I have built a website with separate pages for each of my store categories and I am dissapointed that I cant find a way to list by each store category, I can only list by ebay categories.

    Does anyone know a way around this? it is important to me to get this to work!


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  • Plugin Author Joe


    Hi agxer,

    Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, filtering by custom store categories is not possible using Auction Nudge, due to a limitation with the eBay’s data feed.

    Because of this there is no true work-around, however similar results could be obtained using a combination of the keyword and category filters. Though I realise that this is a far from perfect alternative. There is also the Category List feature, but again this only displays eBay categories.

    I have had this requested a few times over the years, which is why I try to make it very clear that store categories are not supported. I am sorry that you only discovered this fact after creating pages to match your store.

    Please do let me know if there is anything else I can help with.


    Thread Starter agxer


    Thank you,

    it is a great plugin, and in this case i think i can get by using the keyword filter.

    But its a shame that ebay doesnt allow feeding of store categories as most ebay stores that i have worked with only sell products that fall under one or two ebay categories, but have many store categories. it really limits the use of the plugin.

    Plugin Author Joe


    Hi agxer,

    I’m glad you figured out a work-around. Thanks for the feedback and I completely agree that this feature would be nice to have.

    I am currently working on Auction Nudge Pro (https://pro.auctionnudge.com/) and will bump this feature higher on the to-do list, but this would require significant time to implement, so it is unlikely to make it into the initial release I’m afraid.

    I take all feedback on board and try to accommodate where possible, as it leads to a better product for everyone, so thanks again.

    Reviews are always appreciated if you have a few seconds to spare: https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/auction-nudge/reviews/#new-post


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