• Resolved iamkris


    Hello, i tried to translate the theme to English but have been sent back the translation team that the theme needs to be in English as a default – not sure why!!

    Do you have the source files in English?

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  • It is just because developer did not set the source text Language. If you see, source is Slovak, but translation to Slovak is 0%, thus developer needs to tell WordPress what language is the source.

    I already asked this Q in other platform where topic about SK-IT is discussed. Let’s see their response time. ??

    BTW I see no use to translate prior source language is set properly.

    Thread Starter iamkris


    @bryansk not holding much hope for a reply then? ??

    Theme Author slovenskoit


    Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. We will add the source language files, so it can be properly translated.

    Thread Starter iamkris


    @slovenskoit thank you ??

    Thread Starter iamkris


    @slovenskoit will you let us know when you have added the source language files?

    Theme Author slovenskoit


    yes, we will inform you in this thread.

    Theme Author slovenskoit


    Hello @iamkris,
    we have added source language file to the theme, please update the theme and feel free to translate it.
    If you have any more issues, please contact us.

    Hi @slovenskoit

    WordPress treat whatever strings are in the code as “US English”.
    That means that we only translate from US English and never the other way.
    If you want your theme to be useful in other languages, you really should make the effort of reworking the theme so that all strings are changed to en_US.

    Comments in the code can still remain in whatever language you have.

    You can read more about this here: https://make.www.ads-software.com/polyglots/handbook/plugin-theme-authors-guide/

    Far from “Resolved”… someone did close this topic by accident?

    We would really appreciate SlovenskoIT would do the job right or not at all.

    A post in these forums can have three different statuses:
    – not resolved
    – resolved
    – not a support question

    The original poster can change this status (as can moderators, obviously).
    Plugin/theme owners (and, for plugins, support people) are able to “mark as resolved” then they’re posting a reply.

    Being one of the moderators here, I have now changed it to “not a support question”.

    @tobifjellner thank you. I addressed irony to SlovenskoIT. No need to take this serious as their work has no serious output.

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  • The topic ‘Source in English’ is closed to new replies.