We were really happy until last week we started getting loads of spam through your form. We use honeypot and first reCaptcha V3 – now switched back to V2 with no change – still every day flooded with spam messages – how is this possible – you can check on the page I mentioned – the form in in a modal – when clicking the blue button booking request
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Sorry to know that you are experiencing this issue.
We have noticed similar issues reported with forms using Google reCaptcha recently. Could you please try using hCaptcha instead of Google reCaptcha and see if that helps to resolve the issue?
If the issue persists, wouldn’t you mind please share an export of the form so that we can take a closer look at this? Please share the form export using Google Drive or I hope the following guide comes in handy:
Additionally, please share a screenshot of the spam submission that you received for a better understanding.
We look forward to hearing back from you.
Kind Regards,
Nebu JohnHi,
Here the form export:
What do you mean by sharing spam submission? I get emails with people that send us the form – but in the message there is spam texts with links, sometimes in english sometimes in russian. They are not marked as spam by gmail – and are not recognized by reCaptca V2 & V3 – this started the 28th of August and we get those every day.
It’s not an option to use Hcapture right now – this would mean updating the privacy policy of this company etc in various languages… and cookie consent… we just need reCaptcha to work with yor form.
Hope this message finds you well, and thanks for sharing your form.
After a couple of tests on different sites, the reCaptcha badge is showing without any issues.
While reCAPTCHA and other spam-blocking tools are valuable in deterring automated spam bots and malicious activities, it is essential to acknowledge that they may not be foolproof in blocking all forms of spam. Spammers are constantly evolving their tactics and finding new ways to circumvent security measures, which can sometimes pose a challenge even with robust protection in place.
In such cases, there are other recommendations you can take to avoid Spammers:
These are all our Forminator security features, Akismet would be a good option: addition, using Cloudflare as an extra security layer for your domain would help too, since their basic (free) plan does have a bot fighter mode.
My colleague asks you for the SPAM submission to see if we can find a patron, for example, submissions using the same domain for the email address, in such cases, we have this snippet that will prevent submissions that contains such emails:
<?php add_action( 'wp_footer', function() { if ( ! is_singular() || ! has_shortcode( get_the_content(), 'forminator_form' ) ) { return; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> (($,d)=>{ if ( window.wpmudev_forminator_validarte_email_field ) { return; } window.wpmudev_forminator_validarte_email_field = { run: function() { let field_id = 'email-1', forbitten_public_emails = [ 'gmail', 'yahoo' ], form = $( 'form.forminator-custom-form' ), email_field = form.find( <code>#${field_id} input</code> ), field_parent = email_field.closest( '.forminator-field' ), error_markup = '<span class="forminator-error-message" aria-hidden="true"></span>', error_msg = 'Please avoid using gmail, yahoo etc and use a private email instead', error_field = field_parent.find( '.forminator-error-message' ); //$( '<span />', { 'class' : 'forminator-error-message' } ); if ( 0 ===error_field.length ) { error_field = $( error_markup ); } $(d).on( 'validation:focusout', function(){ let value = email_field.val(); for ( let key in forbitten_public_emails ) { if( forbitten_public_emails.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { if ( value.includes( <code>@${forbitten_public_emails[key]}</code> ) ) { field_parent.addClass( 'forminator-has_error' ); error_field.html( error_msg ); $( error_field ).insertAfter( email_field ); break; } } } } ); } }; $(d).ready( function(){ $(d).on( 'after.load.forminator',function( e, form_id ) {; }); } ); })(jQuery,document); </script> <?php }, 40 );
You might need to customize these lines:
Replace email-1 with your form email field.
field_id = 'email-1',
Replace gmail, yahoo, with the spam emails you can track
forbitten_public_emails = [ 'gmail', 'yahoo' ],
Replace the error message Please avoid using gmail, yahoo etc and use a private email instead
error_msg = 'Please avoid using gmail, yahoo etc and use a private email instead',
You might need to install it as a mu-plugin following the instructions on this link
Let us know if you require additional information.
Best regards,
Sorry but I have not time for this – the form works with 20 + other websites but not with this one – we are getting massive spam every day. Something must be wrong – but I have to work and cannot test your plugin and make it work or send you code etc… should be your work really ??
I hope you are doing well today!
Please let us know if you have tried Google reCAPTCHA v3 with lower score threshold. There is no specific threshold that guarantees complete protection against all bots and spams, as attackers are constantly evolving their techniques to bypass security measures. However, a threshold score of 0.1 as ex. is generally considered to be effective in filtering out most automated bots and spams while still allowing legitimate users to pass through. It is important to regularly monitor and adjust the threshold based on the level of spam activity on your website.
Kind regards,
ZaferWe haven’t heard from you in a while, I’ll go and mark this thread as resolved. If you have any additional questions or require further help, please let us know!
Kind regards,
ZaferDoes Forminator block any free/disposable email domains on its own? If so, which ones? My security team is asking for specifics. For example, HubSpot specifies
Or do we have to set up the php file in mu-plugins directory and create our own list to be blocked?
I have done this and it is blocking those specified but need to know if I need to expand my list any more or if some are already covered.
I have honeypot enabled plus reCaptcha V2 Checkbox but spam still slips through.
Hi @mizmo70
Forminator by default does not block any email domains. The mentioned code from here: is able to do that.
When it comes to:
I have honeypot enabled plus reCaptcha V2 Checkbox but spam still slips through.
please open a fresh ticket here so we can follow up on your case separately as this topic is resolved.
Kind Regards,
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