This was a thread that was as close to my new problem as I could find. It looks like some clever SPAMMER has found a way around the default WP comment moderation or blacklist <options/ Discussions/ comment moderations>. It seems they have found a way of setting up a “link” in the comment field that WP does not recognizes as a prohibited word and posts the intended SPAM name in the comment field once its posted. Yesterday was my first one and I just had another now.
What is unusual about these two comments was that they were posted on post that were less than 2 weeks old and contain new scrip in the comment field. Below was my reply E mail with the offending scrip.
Author : phentermine (IP: ,
E-mail : [email protected]
Whois :
This is a great web site. I have some great web pages myself if you are interested to share. But I should not go on about my site too much, that is not fair, right?
I have added the “&” symbol to see if that takes care of it. Anyone have any thoughts to ridding this method of SPAMMING?