• Here are 3 solutions for fighting spam:

    Get the plugin: https://akismet.com
    Signup at https://wordpress.com for your API key.
    ( You do not need a blog there, just sign up)
    Help here: https://wordpress.com/api-keys/

    Get the plugin: https://www.ioerror.us/software/bad-behavior/
    Does NOT work at godaddy

    Spam Karma 2
    Get the plugin: https://unknowngenius.com/blog/wordpress/spam-karma/

    Do NOT ask ‘Which is best because….’ or ‘Which one do you suggest I get’ or any variation of that – they are ALL good and yes, they can all be used together.

    SK2 will run all existing comments through it’s filters to catch spam already there.

    CJD Spam Nuke from https://chrisjdavis.org/category/wp-hacks will also ID and let you remove spam with one click

    Captcha (where you have to type words in to verify you are a human) are NOT effective. You will still get spammed. So use one of the above.

    You may also see little ‘Donate’ buttons on the above sites. As their work was given freely and saves you masses of time (do you want to delete spam by hand every morning?), saying Thanks by dropping a tip into their jar would be appreciated I’m sure.

Viewing 11 replies - 106 through 116 (of 116 total)
  • Amie


    i get a lot of spam, but that worries me less than the friends and family who get caught in the crossfire (Ham). is there any way to whitelist by IP?

    i see this:

    is that the best option?


    “Autoclose comments after 90 days.”

    MHC, I believe this is the plug-in you mentioned. ??

    Thanks, war59312! I have installed it and it works very well. Since I posted, only one spam made it through but was held in moderation. Fed the bloody thing to SpamKarma and Akismet and all is well in the my blog once again. :^D

    Oh and, btw, by default that plugin is set at 21 days. Thought it was a bit short so I lengthened it to 30 in the plugin editor.

    Sunburntkamel, looks good to me. Thanks for that one. ??

    MHC, Yeah I guess he lowered it for whatever reason. ??

    I use both plug-ins. I moderate all comments that are older than 30 days and then block all comments after 90. Works great!

    Akismet was working but lately I’m getting a lot of spam comments that aren’t being detected as spam – although they clearly are. Is anyone else experiencing problems with Akismet not picking up spam comments?

    My AKISMET spam has stopped automatically taking spam and the count is stuck at 9299.

    yes i think there is a hole somewhere or stupid spammer discovered something .

    download bad behavior , make the 2 work same time .

    it will solve the prob .

    Turned out they’d been making changes to the software and they had a problem with it – now fixed!

    I made a plugin that works with akismet, stops the few that make it through ?? Check it out if you’re getting spam in the “author name” field =)

    Weasel’s No HTTP Author Plugin

    In the first message, they said that Bad Behavior would not work with GoDaddy. That posting was 9 months ago — is this still true? BB sounds like the ideal answer to my problems with what now seems to be trackback spam.

    It is almost like people have stock in these. No, I’m not seriously suggesting that… SK2, BB and Akismet may be favorites but after installing them I found they were blocking a lot of my real readers in addition to possibly blocking spammers. False positives are not acceptable. Captchas and math have been more effective for me. I also don’t like the central server design.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    In the first message, they said that Bad Behavior would not work with GoDaddy. That posting was 9 months ago — is this still true?

    No. Apparently whatever the issue was has been corrected.

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