• I’m at wits end. I had version 1.5 and was told to upgrade to 2.3 to help prevent spam. I did. I installed the Math Comment Spam Protection plugin. It doesn’t help, unless I’m missing something.

    By far, wordpress is spammed the most on my site. What puzzles me is the Math Comment Spam Protection plugin. How are the spam bots by passing it?

    When I check out the plugin, all seems to work fine.

    I get tons of spams for drugs, I can’t imagine that a human is inputting all that nonsense.

    Is there a way to test if it is a spam robot doing the spamming or a human being?

    Any other suggestions to help stop the spam?


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  • I personally would recommend looking at the 2 following plugins which help out HUGE!

    1) Akismet – Great spam protection plugin used by many people and works very effectively.

    2) Bad-Behavior – A great tool that stops bad bots from even playing around on the site if they show signs of being a spammer. (Stops automatic spambots)

    My 2 cents!


    I require users to register to post comments, and I disabled pingbacks/trackbacks. I don’t get any spam.

    While that’s a valid approach, I’d posit that you get far fewer comments that way too.

    I bet I’m not the only one who decides to just skip it once realizing I have to register for yet another site just to leave a comment.

    I second that, HS ??

    Yeah, probably. But I’d rather have fewer comments than spam. (And before you say “Akismet”, they charge outrageous fees to non-profits that can barely pay their bills.)

    I use Spam Karma 2 and Bad Behavior. Free and effective.


    Akismet is free, no? I am using it and I got it free…

    Bobcat also you can trade akismet service for two links on your page, if your non-profit.


    Akismet charges up to $50 per month(!) for non-profit organizations.

    Jeremy, that option is only for registered non-profits (although they don’t define what they mean by “registered”; under what paragraph?). We’re not registered, because we don’t have anyone to do the paperwork. Our only “employee” is a paid part-time lobbyist. We really have a shoestring budget, but Akismet seems to think all non-profits are huge corporations.

    I was stating that fact that you can use aksimet for free if you include two links in your page, which they provide at the bottom of that page I linked to.

    I think I would have a talk with somebody and see if you could find out what they mean by registered.

    “I was stating that fact that you can use aksimet for free if you include two links in your page, which they provide at the bottom of that page I linked to.”

    Only applies to registered non-profits.

    By registered, they probably mean 501(c)(3) organizations. I don’t know if they’d include 501(c)(4) organizations.

    The sad part is that 501(c)(3) non-profits can pay their CEOs 6-figure salaries (like the United Way does) and they get Akismet for free. But shoestring non-profits like ours, with virtually all-volunteer labor, has to pay $50 per month.

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