It’s time to get technical because the answer involves both HTTP and Javascript. A typical visit begins when their browser sends an HTTP GET request to your blog’s server. This request communicates the desired URL and certain details about the visitor: an IP address, a description of the browser, and possible the URL of the page where they clicked a link to the desired URL.
Some stats packages count these GET requests but there is a ton of noise in this raw data. A typical WordPress stats plugin (such as Jetpack) adds a snippet of Javascript to the HTML instructing the browser to make an additional GET request. This allows the stats package to collect more information about the visiting browser and to filter out most of the “visits” from non-humans; most bots don’t process Javascript.
A comment is submitted by a different kind of request: an HTTP POST. (We use capital letters because that’s what the protocol specifies. It’s not an acronym.) A POST request is just like a GET except the POST carries additional data which is intended to be saved by the server. In WordPress, that data includes the commenter’s name, email, URL, and comment text. (If you are using Quiz, it also includes the content of the quiz answer field. Other plugins may add other fields.)
A typical, human commenter would first GET your post, then spend time reading it, then POST a comment. The URL used to GET your post might be anything but the URL of the comment submission script is the same for all WordPress blogs: it’s your blog URL plus a standard file name. The required parameters for the POST data are also standardized throughout the WordPress world.
Thus a spammer can write just one spam script and feed it a list of blog URLs and the script will be able to POST comments without first GETting the articles they intend to spam. (This is an oversimplification. For a comment to be accepted it requires a valid post_id, a number which might not be easy to guess. Therefore some spam scripts will first crawl the blog with GETs to discover valid post_ids. Others might simply guess, or take a list of IDs as part of the input along with the blog URLs.)
Certain plugins and hacks alter the comment script URL as part of an anti-spam strategy. This foils only the most simplistic spammers since the script URL can be discovered with just one GET. The URL is included in every page that contains a comment form.
Quiz works by adding a requirement to the POST data. You can set a different question and answer for each post. This pretty much limits spam to humans being paid to submit comments manually since your questions should not be answerable by any script that a spammer would find affordable. Spammers are still able to send their POST requests but Quiz blocks their data from entering your database. The immediate benefit to you is that you spend less time processing spam.
There are better, more clever plugins that work much harder to foil spammers. Bad Behavior is the name of a famous one that I recall. If I remember correctly it can block spam GETs as well as POSTs. The additional benefit here is that your server spends less time processing spam so that it can be more responsive to your real audience.