• zimzam


    Hi all,

    While kitty’s spaminator banning works fairly great and all, sometimes in combination with a captcha image that doesn’t refresh for a commenter or just plain mistakes from the user in question results in that valid commenter being banned from commenting. IP changing helps sometimes (although acquiring a new IP to post is really annoying), but what I’ve noticed is that the author name and email address are the things that cause a comment to be rejected. I would like to find the list that Spaminator must be referencing and simply remove the users that it thinks are spammers, but I can’t find any such list.

    Does anyone know how to unban people’s names/email addresses once they’ve been tagged as spammers by spaminator?

    I’m running wp 1.2.1 and spaminator 1.0rc.

    Please help a poor lad out of a commenty mess.

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