• Resolved idearius


    Couldn’t find an email address to write you to, so here it is:

    1) Expand All = Expandir todas
    2) Collapse All = Contraer todas

    Note that “todas” es feminine, so it can be used for the official Spanish translations of Pages (Páginas), Posts (Entradas), Categories (Categorías) and Tags (Etiquetas).

    The word “contraer” is not the literal translation of “collapse”; that would be “colapsar”. But as “colapsar” also has other meanings used more frequently and Microsoft itself uses “contraer” to refer to collapsing a folder tree, I chose not to be literal.



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  • Thread Starter idearius


    Also note that I did not write “todas” starting with a capital T on purpose. The Spanish version of WordPress does not (mostly) capitalize all words so I kept it that way.

    Plugin Author bravokeyl


    Thanks for the translation, i will add this and let you know.

    May be you can test once i release this as beta.As mentioned in the other thread, i will soon release beta version on github (May be you can test Translation and new feature) and then i will release it on www.ads-software.com

    Thread Starter idearius


    You’re welcome.

    I installed the github version but the translation didn’t show. If you haven’t added it yet, just let me know when to try again.


    Plugin Author bravokeyl


    BTW is it es_ES translation ?

    I missed that. I will fix it now on Github.

    Thread Starter idearius


    If you’re referring to my translation, yes, it’s es_ES.

    I’m in South America but tried to be as neutral as possible.

    Plugin Author bravokeyl


    Translation should be working now…I’m still not getting better visual for number and plus/minus.

    May be i will update that soon.My question is:

    Will number be a distraction for users ?(I don’t think so)
    Should i give an option to turn off numbers ?

    Thread Starter idearius


    As long as the numbers are not bold, thus copying the presentation of the posts/pages numbers, they would blend in and not obfuscate the normal UI.

    I did some testing last time but in the end didn’t publish the images; they did look natural.

    Regarding the option of turning off numbers, adding it would over complicate the issue, IMO.

    Plugin Author bravokeyl


    Yep, trying to keep plugin as simple as possible with no options.

    Great plugin @bravokeyl !

    But i’ve found a bug… after reordering pages by drag-drop they don’t change their previous hierarchy number to the new one, so your plugin shows a new odd ordered menu/submenus items.

    Please fix it and it will be perfect!

    (and please, also a bigger “+” icon beside each Page Name)

    Plugin Author bravokeyl


    Hi @unocoma,

    Thanks for reporting the bug.After re-ordering the pages by drag-drop, are you using any plugin for this?

    Yes i am…

    I’m testing it at one of my websites which contains a lot of pages / subpages, and i’ve realised of that issue. I hope you to fix it as soon as possible and i’ll continue installing it for the rest of my webs! ??

    (Please, keep me informed)

    Plugin Author bravokeyl


    Hi @unocoma,

    May I know which plugin you are using to drag and drop reordering pages? So that I can replicate the issue.

    I will fix as soon as possible.

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