• Doesn’t work if you follow the plugin instructions. Always returns Please ensure you entered a valid Assistant URL (404). Click here?for debug information.

    Instead grab the embed code from the, errr, whatever screen it is within Web chat setup (the live one, not the draft one, there seems to be no way to copy live setup to draft???) and place it in your website <head> section. That works a treat.

    Or if you’re desperate to use a plugin then grab the embed code above and within it you will see the correct Assistant URL, not the incorrect one that appears to be presented in the area you are told to get them from in the plugin instructions.

    Then the Watson chat system works a treat.

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by websanity.
    • This topic was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by websanity.
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  • Plugin Author intelahelp



    Our plugin is intended to demonstrate a different integration method than inserting a script. You can use any you like.

    As for entering credentials, tell me, did you manage to figure it out or do you need help?

    Kind regards,
    Support for WordPress plugin “Chatbot with IBM Watson”

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