• Resolved Colin Kells


    Following error in Woocommerce Status Log/s.

    httpswoocommerce.comwp-jsonwccominbox-notifications1.0notifications.json-2022-09-13-a81dc66affef0c40c08187abdd1f0e31.log (13/09/2022 at 5:37 pm NZST) View
    2022-09-13T05:37:48+00:00 ERROR Spec is invalid because a rule is invalid in feed
    2022-09-13T05:37:48+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [type] => wcadmin_active_for
        [operation] => >
        [months] => 11
    2022-09-13T05:37:48+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [slug] => googlelistings_signals2022_hasGLA
        [type] => marketing
        [status] => unactioned
        [is_snoozable] => 0
        [source] => woocommerce.com
        [locales] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [locale] => en_US
                        [title] => Show off your products with Ads on Google
                        [content] => You’re ready to grow with ads. Google optimizes for performance across your products; you only pay for results. If you’re new to Google, you can earn up to $500 in ad credits (T&Cs apply). <a href="https://woocommerce.com/my-account/create-a-ticket/">Contact support</a> if you need guidance with Google Listings & Ads.
        [actions] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [name] => googlelistings_signals2022_hasGLA_click
                        [locales] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [locale] => en_US
                                        [label] => Connect Google Listings & Ads
                        [url] => admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=marketing
                        [url_is_admin_query] => 1
                        [is_primary] => 1
                        [status] => unactioned
        [rules] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => publish_after_time
                        [publish_after] => 2022-09-12 07:23:39
                [1] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => publish_before_time
                        [publish_before] => 2022-10-12 23:59:00
                [2] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => plugins_activated
                        [plugins] => Array
                                [0] => google-listings-and-ads
                [3] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => wcadmin_active_for
                        [operation] => >
                        [months] => 11
                [4] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => product_count
                        [operation] => >
                        [value] => 76
                [5] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => order_count
                        [operation] => >
                        [value] => 38
                [6] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => total_payments_value
                        [days] => last_year
                        [value] => 3700
                        [operation] => >
    2022-09-13T05:37:48+00:00 ERROR Spec is invalid because a rule is invalid in feed
    2022-09-13T05:37:48+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [type] => wcadmin_active_for
        [operation] => >
        [months] => 11
    2022-09-13T05:37:48+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [slug] => googlelistings_signals2022_noGLA
        [type] => marketing
        [status] => unactioned
        [is_snoozable] => 0
        [source] => woocommerce.com
        [locales] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [locale] => en_US
                        [title] => Show off your products with Ads on Google
                        [content] => You’re ready to grow with ads. Google optimizes for performance across your products; you only pay for results. If you’re new to Google, you can earn up to $500 in ad credits (T&Cs apply). <a href="https://woocommerce.com/my-account/create-a-ticket/">Contact support</a> if you need guidance with Google Listings & Ads.
        [actions] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [name] => googlelistings_signals2022_noGLA
                        [locales] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [locale] => en_US
                                        [label] => Connect Google Listings & Ads
                        [url] => https://woocommerce.com/products/google-listings-and-ads/?utm_medium=product&utm_source=inbox_note&utm_campaign=googlelistings_signals2022_noGLA
                        [url_is_admin_query] => 
                        [is_primary] => 1
                        [status] => unactioned
        [rules] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => publish_after_time
                        [publish_after] => 2022-09-12 07:27:46
                [1] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => publish_before_time
                        [publish_before] => 2022-10-12 23:59:00
                [2] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => not
                        [operand] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [type] => plugins_activated
                                        [plugins] => Array
                                                [0] => google-listings-and-ads
                [3] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => wcadmin_active_for
                        [operation] => >
                        [months] => 11
                [4] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => product_count
                        [operation] => >
                        [value] => 76
                [5] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => order_count
                        [operation] => >
                        [value] => 38
                [6] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => total_payments_value
                        [days] => last_year
                        [value] => 3700
                        [operation] => >
Viewing 13 replies - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
  • Thread Starter Colin Kells


    Update I have found that because Google Site Kit was not uninstalled correctly, the cron job was still trying to locate datat that does not exisit.

    Hi @kellscolin2020

    The thread is already marked “Resolved”. Have you solved the problem already?

    If not, then can you elaborate on the issue a bit more, so we can try to reproduce it at or end? Also, in order for us to get a better idea of your setup, please share a copy of your site’s System Status. You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”. Once you’ve done that, paste it here in your response.

    Thread Starter Colin Kells


    OK still happening – so not resolved.

    Cron job last night error in log

    httpswoocommerce.comwp-jsonwccominbox-notifications1.0notifications.json-2022-09-19-a81dc66affef0c40c08187abdd1f0e31.log Delete log
    httpswoocommerce.comwp-jsonwccominbox-notifications1.0notifications.json-2022-09-19-a81dc66affef0c40c08187abdd1f0e31.log (19/09/2022 at 4:16 pm NZST)
    2022-09-19T04:16:57+00:00 ERROR Spec is invalid because a rule is invalid in feed
    2022-09-19T04:16:57+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [type] => wcadmin_active_for
        [operation] => >
        [months] => 11
    ### WordPress Environment ###
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    Site address (URL): https://storeonline.link
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    ### Security ###
    Secure connection (HTTPS): ?
    Hide errors from visitors: ?
    ### Active Plugins (20) ###
    Advanced Database Cleaner PRO: by Younes JFR. – 3.2.1
    Block Visibility: by Nick Diego – 2.4.3
    FluentSMTP: by FluentSMTP & WPManageNinja Team – 2.2.0
    Fluent Forms: by Contact Form - WPManageNinja LLC – 4.3.12
    Heartbeat Control by WP Rocket: by WP Rocket – 2.0
    WPCode - Insert Headers, Footers, and Code Snippets: by WPCode – 2.0.2
    Max Mega Menu: by megamenu.com – 2.9.8
    Printful Integration for WooCommerce: by Printful – 2.1.34
    Product Category Tree: by AWESOME TOGI – 2.5
    Profile Builder: by Cozmoslabs – 3.7.9
    PW WooCommerce Bulk Edit Pro: by Pimwick
    LLC – 2.335
    WOOCS - WooCommerce Currency Switcher: by realmag777 – 2.3.8
    WooCommerce Menu Cart: by WP Overnight – 2.12.0
    WooCommerce PayPal Payments: by WooCommerce – 1.9.3
    WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches Premium: by VillaTheme –
    WooCommerce: by Automattic – 6.9.2
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    WP Crontrol: by John Blackbourn & crontributors – 1.14.0
    WP-DBManager: by Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan – 2.80.8
    WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache: by David Anderson
    Ruhani Rabin
    Team Updraft – 3.2.7
    ### Inactive Plugins (1) ###
    Imsanity: by Exactly WWW – 2.8.1
    ### Dropin Plugins (1) ###
    advanced-cache.php: advanced-cache.php
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    API Enabled: ?
    Force SSL: –
    Currency: NZD ($)
    Currency Position: left
    Thousand Separator: ,
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    Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)
    grouped (grouped)
    simple (simple)
    variable (variable)
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    rated-4 (rated-4)
    rated-5 (rated-5)
    Connected to WooCommerce.com: ?
    Enforce Approved Product Download Directories: ?
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    Shop base: #5 - /shop/
    Cart: #6 - /cart/
    Checkout: #7 - /checkout/
    My account: #7245 - /my-account/
    Terms and conditions: ? Page not set
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    Version: 3.9.2
    Author URL: https://wpastra.com/about/?utm_source=theme_preview&utm_medium=author_link&utm_campaign=astra_theme
    Child Theme: ? – If you are modifying WooCommerce on a parent theme that you did not build personally we recommend using a child theme. See: How to create a child theme
    WooCommerce Support: ?
    ### Templates ###
    Overrides: –
    ### Pimwick Plugins ###
    PW WooCommerce Bulk Edit Pro: License key: PW-62d9dbb8e6cab
    Result: success
    Cached: 2022-09-19
    ### WooCommerce PayPal Payments ###
    Onboarded: ?
    Shop country code: NZ
    WooCommerce currency supported: ?
    PayPal card processing available in country: –
    Pay Later messaging available in country: –
    Webhook status: –
    Vault enabled: ?
    Logging enabled: –
    Reference Transactions: –
    Used PayPal Checkout plugin: –
    Tracking enabled: –
    ### Admin ###
    Enabled Features: activity-panels
    Disabled Features: minified-js
    Daily Cron: ? Next scheduled: 2022-09-20 04:16:56 +12:00
    Options: ?
    Notes: 49
    Onboarding: completed
    ### Action Scheduler ###
    Complete: 13
    Oldest: 2022-09-19 10:42:23 +1200
    Newest: 2022-09-19 16:16:50 +1200
    Pending: 1
    Oldest: 2022-09-20 10:42:23 +1200
    Newest: 2022-09-20 10:42:23 +1200
    ### Status report information ###
    Generated at: 2022-09-20 06:32:23 +12:00

    Regards Colin

    Thread Starter Colin Kells


    Complete LOG for last evening.

    httpswoocommerce.comwp-jsonwccominbox-notifications1.0notifications.json-2022-09-19-a81dc66affef0c40c08187abdd1f0e31.log (19/09/2022 at 4:16 pm NZST) View
    2022-09-19T04:16:57+00:00 ERROR Spec is invalid because a rule is invalid in feed
    2022-09-19T04:16:57+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [type] => wcadmin_active_for
        [operation] => >
        [months] => 11
    2022-09-19T04:16:57+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [slug] => googlelistings_signals2022_hasGLA
        [type] => marketing
        [status] => unactioned
        [is_snoozable] => 0
        [source] => woocommerce.com
        [locales] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [locale] => en_US
                        [title] => Show off your products with Ads on Google
                        [content] => You’re ready to grow with ads. Google optimizes for performance across your products; you only pay for results. If you’re new to Google, you can earn up to $500 in ad credits (T&Cs apply). <a href="https://woocommerce.com/my-account/create-a-ticket/">Contact support</a> if you need guidance with Google Listings & Ads.
        [actions] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [name] => googlelistings_signals2022_hasGLA_click
                        [locales] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [locale] => en_US
                                        [label] => Connect Google Listings & Ads
                        [url] => admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=marketing
                        [url_is_admin_query] => 1
                        [is_primary] => 1
                        [status] => unactioned
        [rules] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => publish_after_time
                        [publish_after] => 2022-09-12 07:23:39
                [1] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => publish_before_time
                        [publish_before] => 2022-10-12 23:59:00
                [2] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => plugins_activated
                        [plugins] => Array
                                [0] => google-listings-and-ads
                [3] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => wcadmin_active_for
                        [operation] => >
                        [months] => 11
                [4] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => product_count
                        [operation] => >
                        [value] => 76
                [5] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => order_count
                        [operation] => >
                        [value] => 38
                [6] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => total_payments_value
                        [days] => last_year
                        [value] => 3700
                        [operation] => >
    2022-09-19T04:16:57+00:00 ERROR Spec is invalid because a rule is invalid in feed
    2022-09-19T04:16:57+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [type] => wcadmin_active_for
        [operation] => >
        [months] => 11
    2022-09-19T04:16:57+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [slug] => googlelistings_signals2022_noGLA
        [type] => marketing
        [status] => unactioned
        [is_snoozable] => 0
        [source] => woocommerce.com
        [locales] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [locale] => en_US
                        [title] => Show off your products with Ads on Google
                        [content] => You’re ready to grow with ads. Google optimizes for performance across your products; you only pay for results. If you’re new to Google, you can earn up to $500 in ad credits (T&Cs apply). <a href="https://woocommerce.com/my-account/create-a-ticket/">Contact support</a> if you need guidance with Google Listings & Ads.
        [actions] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [name] => googlelistings_signals2022_noGLA
                        [locales] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [locale] => en_US
                                        [label] => Connect Google Listings & Ads
                        [url] => https://woocommerce.com/products/google-listings-and-ads/?utm_medium=product&utm_source=inbox_note&utm_campaign=googlelistings_signals2022_noGLA
                        [url_is_admin_query] => 
                        [is_primary] => 1
                        [status] => unactioned
        [rules] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => publish_after_time
                        [publish_after] => 2022-09-12 07:27:46
                [1] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => publish_before_time
                        [publish_before] => 2022-10-12 23:59:00
                [2] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => not
                        [operand] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [type] => plugins_activated
                                        [plugins] => Array
                                                [0] => google-listings-and-ads
                [3] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => wcadmin_active_for
                        [operation] => >
                        [months] => 11
                [4] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => product_count
                        [operation] => >
                        [value] => 76
                [5] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => order_count
                        [operation] => >
                        [value] => 38
                [6] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => total_payments_value
                        [days] => last_year
                        [value] => 3700
                        [operation] => >
    Thread Starter Colin Kells


    I have also changed
    yts_options (‘action_scheduler_migration_status’,’complete’);
    Autoload from yes to no.

    Scheduled Actions was showing action_scheduler_migration_status running all the time.

    yts_actionschedular_actions emptied with one pending woocommerce_cleanup_draft_orders
    yts_actionschedular_logs emptied

    i have the same error every day and one:

    2022-09-19T13:18:28+00:00 ERROR Spec is invalid because a rule is invalid in feed
    2022-09-19T13:18:28+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [type] => wcadmin_active_for
        [operation] => >
        [months] => 11
    2022-09-19T13:18:28+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [slug] => googlelistings_signals2022_hasGLA
        [type] => marketing
        [status] => unactioned
        [is_snoozable] => 0
        [source] => woocommerce.com
        [locales] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [locale] => en_US
                        [title] => Show off your products with Ads on Google
                        [content] => You’re ready to grow with ads. Google optimizes for performance across your products; you only pay for results. If you’re new to Google, you can earn up to $500 in ad credits (T&Cs apply). <a href="https://woocommerce.com/my-account/create-a-ticket/">Contact support</a> if you need guidance with Google Listings & Ads.
        [actions] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [name] => googlelistings_signals2022_hasGLA_click
                        [locales] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [locale] => en_US
                                        [label] => Connect Google Listings & Ads
                        [url] => admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=marketing
                        [url_is_admin_query] => 1
                        [is_primary] => 1
                        [status] => unactioned
        [rules] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => publish_after_time
                        [publish_after] => 2022-09-12 07:23:39
                [1] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => publish_before_time
                        [publish_before] => 2022-10-12 23:59:00
                [2] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => plugins_activated
                        [plugins] => Array
                                [0] => google-listings-and-ads
                [3] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => wcadmin_active_for
                        [operation] => >
                        [months] => 11
                [4] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => product_count
                        [operation] => >
                        [value] => 76
                [5] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => order_count
                        [operation] => >
                        [value] => 38
                [6] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => total_payments_value
                        [days] => last_year
                        [value] => 3700
                        [operation] => >
    2022-09-19T13:18:28+00:00 ERROR Spec is invalid because a rule is invalid in feed
    2022-09-19T13:18:28+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [type] => wcadmin_active_for
        [operation] => >
        [months] => 11
    2022-09-19T13:18:28+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [slug] => googlelistings_signals2022_noGLA
        [type] => marketing
        [status] => unactioned
        [is_snoozable] => 0
        [source] => woocommerce.com
        [locales] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [locale] => en_US
                        [title] => Show off your products with Ads on Google
                        [content] => You’re ready to grow with ads. Google optimizes for performance across your products; you only pay for results. If you’re new to Google, you can earn up to $500 in ad credits (T&Cs apply). <a href="https://woocommerce.com/my-account/create-a-ticket/">Contact support</a> if you need guidance with Google Listings & Ads.
        [actions] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [name] => googlelistings_signals2022_noGLA
                        [locales] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [locale] => en_US
                                        [label] => Connect Google Listings & Ads
                        [url] => https://woocommerce.com/products/google-listings-and-ads/?utm_medium=product&utm_source=inbox_note&utm_campaign=googlelistings_signals2022_noGLA
                        [url_is_admin_query] => 
                        [is_primary] => 1
                        [status] => unactioned
        [rules] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => publish_after_time
                        [publish_after] => 2022-09-12 07:27:46
                [1] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => publish_before_time
                        [publish_before] => 2022-10-12 23:59:00
                [2] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => not
                        [operand] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [type] => plugins_activated
                                        [plugins] => Array
                                                [0] => google-listings-and-ads
                [3] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => wcadmin_active_for
                        [operation] => >
                        [months] => 11
                [4] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => product_count
                        [operation] => >
                        [value] => 76
                [5] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => order_count
                        [operation] => >
                        [value] => 38
                [6] => stdClass Object
                        [type] => total_payments_value
                        [days] => last_year
                        [value] => 3700
                        [operation] => >
    Thread Starter Colin Kells


    I’m still getting this error daily

    I have this exact same problem. It has blocked my site from processing payments. It send the payments out but hold no record of the payment being successful or the product being sold.
    So in turn customers are repeating purchases to the point I had to shut down the store until it’s resolved.

    Same problem here since Sep. 30th, @margaretwporg
    @kellscolin2020 could you please mark this issue as not resolved?

    Thread Starter Colin Kells


    Have installed Action Sceduler plugin version 3.5.2 by Automattic.
    Backup db before plugin install.

    Then remove values (empty) the following option fields:

    Access these via /wp-admin/options.php

    Thread Starter Colin Kells


    So far the above changes are working correctly.
    Woocommerce Stats:
    No Error Logs.
    Actions, No action_schedular_migration_status records.

    Server resourse usage is almost flat line over the last 12 hours.
    No over limit usage errors, typically from action_schedular_migration action in the past.

    I’m away for next month I should be able to update this and answer any questions

    Thread Starter Colin Kells


    Now working ok with last changes

    Hello everyone,

    Glad to know you have figured this out.


    For better assistance related to each case, please create your own thread for your issue – https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/woocommerce/#new-topic-0.

    This is to make sure that every user’s issues receive their own thread with proper attention.

    * Frequently Asked Questions.

    Thank you!

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