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  • Hi Ralf,

    even though I see we both speak German I answer in English to make this readable for everyone…

    Shame on me I did not test that! After a quick check I think to know where the problem is. I’ll analyze and fix that shortly.

    I don’t know if hashtags in titles make sense. But maybe I’ll add that feature in a future version.


    Thread Starter Drivingralle



    For my use-case including the title would make sense. Maybe add a filter so I can modify it to my needs.

    Grü?e ??

    Version 1.2 should fix that. Please try it!

    I made strict inquiries relating to how hashtags work on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Which characters are allowed in it, which characters are allowed directly before a hashtag and which characters end a hashtag. And I tried to clone that. Hope it was successful…


    Thread Starter Drivingralle



    Works great with ü, ? und ?. Didn’t tested the Rest.

    Maybe add this Filter?

    function swcc_htg_generate_tags( $postid ) {
      wp_set_post_tags( $postid, swcc_htg_get_hashtags_from_content( get_post_field('post_content', $postid) ), apply_filters( 'swcc_htg_toggel_append_tags', false ) );


    Glad to hear it works for you. Will think about your suggestions.


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