• dominicpowertoolsales



    Our website has reset invoice numbering over new years day… previously we had 9 digit number that left off at 100042402 before new years day and now the invoice numbers in year 2022 have reset to start from 1 and 2 and 3 and so on…

    There is no setting in the plugin to start from a specific number so that we can continue with last year’s numbering so the next invoice number would be 100042403 and then 100042404 and so on… or maybe i’m not understanding the settings interface? how can i set the invoice number to start with please?

    many thanks in advance

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  • insideoutmontessori



    In fact there is a setting. Go to Template and under Invoice No Options you will find a Reset option to check. If you check it, the Next field will become available. There you can enter your next desired number. For example, my last invoice was 148 and starts agan with 1. I enter in that filed 149. Save settings.

    Now – if you want to replace a wrong invoice number- just go to that order, set bewpi_pdf_invoice_sent field to 0, save the order, go up right in the Invoice Area and delete the invoice. After that – a new button will appear: Create. Click it and voila! – the invoice will have your next number entered manually in the settings.

    If you have more than one – already generated, you have to do this manually to each one until you will get to the top of the list.

    I hope that this will hellp you – in my case was easy – i needed to regenerate only one invoice.

    Best regards,

    In my case , all the settings was set up and the Reset option was disabled, but the invoices still reset. ??

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