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  • You need the Pro version for that.

    Thread Starter T.O.N.


    Thank you for the answer.

    Ok and how can I do that in the Pro Version?

    There’s a section under Pro forms called Custom Return URLs Upon Success that tells you how to do it.

    Thread Starter T.O.N.


    Ok I have the Pro Version now.

    When I`m in the Pro form menu “Custom Return URLs Upon Success” my right option should be “Free Registration Forms” (My members are all free members with level 0).

    But I don`t understand how can I solve my problem.
    Can you describe it a little bit more, please? Thank you!

    You use the shortcode for the free form, and add the custom return URL from the section you have been looking at.

    Thread Starter T.O.N.


    Ok, I`m using this for example

    [s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form register=”1″ level=”0″ success=”|T1″ success=”|T2″ ccaps=”” desc=”Signup now, it’s Free!” custom=”” tp=”0″ tt=”D” captcha=”clean” /]

    So my Unique ID in my dropdown menu is “gruppe_code”. T1 and T2 are the example option values. So T1 should be redirect to a another site as T2 BUT after a login. The registration confirmation site is the same. The different groups should be see differnet content after a login.

    How can I do this with your idea?

    My idea was, that I use ccaps= in the pro form. But I don`t know how I get the different option valus from my drop down menu in the ccaps field. When I get this I could use this again.

    Thank you again!

    You create your own ccaps values. You can call them “music”, “johnsmith”, or whatever you like. Just make sure you use the same ones for both users and posts/pages!

    Thread Starter T.O.N.


    But I want this in that way:

    The ccaps value in the registration form must “know” if the user choose group1 or 2 in my dropdown menu. Sure, I can create the value ccaps=”group1″. But this ccaps value is also the same, when a user choose group2 in the dropdown menu during the registration.

    I need different ccaps values, wich are depending from the current user`s group choice from my dropdown menu. The next steps for the redirection with the ccaps are clear for me.

    Or I don`t understand what do you mean?


    Custom capabilities are entirely independent of user role levels. So they can be shared by different user roles.

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