Yup! I’ve raised this issue with support as-well. (“I understand your frustration and appreciate you bringing this to our attention. […] We’ll add your request to our feature request list and consider it for future development.“)
The emails sent from the Spectra Form block use whatever field is named “Email” as the “From” instead of the “Reply To” which, in my case, causes DMARC authentication to fail because the domain in the “From” does not match my domain, thus causing most of these emails to end up in spam. If you have no field named “Email” the resulting email is sent from “[email protected]”.
You can modify this default behavior by installing another plugin like WP Mail SMTP, but this default behavior is obviously very bad practice and needs to be fixed. I’ve not run into this issue with any other plugin that sends email.
The other workaround I’ve found is to add a Hidden field to the form, name it “Email”, and set the value to whatever email address you want the “From” to be (in my case “[email protected]”), and then change the name of the visible email field to something else (like “Email Address”). This does appear to work, but creates the undesirable side affect of that hidden field also being included in the resulting list of form fields included in the email that is sent (not a huge deal, but obviously not pretty).
BF – You need to fix this!!! At the very least use the WordPress default “[email protected]” as the “From” address, or better yet, just add a configurable “From” in the form settings.