• Steven Ray


    The developers should have someone spell check, it helps tremendously when creating a quality product. What is in square brackets is missing or misspelled.

    Under tab Autoptimize Settings > JS, CSS & HTML

    Remove Unused JavaScript? "…but does not know what is used and what [is] not."

    Generate data: URIs for images? "…include small [background-images] in the CSS…" The words background images should have no hyphen.

    Inline all CSS? Additionally[,] it might push meta-tags down to a position where e.g. Facebook and Whatsapp will not find them any[ ]more… First, there is a missing comma and second, no hyphen in anymore.

    Cached styles and scripts "XX files, [totalling] XX MB…" Proper spelling is totaling.

    Enable 404 fallbacks? "In some cases[,] this will require extra web-server" Missing comma.

    Also optimize for logged in editors/ administrators?
    "By default Autoptimize is also active for logged[-]on editors" Missing hyphen. Also under the same subject, "…in e.g. to use a [pagebuilder]." These are two words, page builder.

    Enable configuration per post/ page? "Add a "[metabox]" to the post/ page…" Meta box is two separate words.

    Disable extra [compatibilty] logic? Compatibility is spelled wrong. Also copy that follows heading, "Autoptimize applies extra "[compatibiity] logic" to prevent…" Again, compatibility is spelled wrong.

    This is what I easily spotted under one tab! There are other grammar errors under the first tab, but what is outlined is the most obvious.
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  • Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    afraid your message got a bit messed up and the square brackets went missing. I’m not a native speaker, so any help is appreciated, feel free to propose changes (ideally as pull requests) over at https://github.com/futtta/autoptimize ??

    have a nice day,

    Thread Starter Steven Ray


    Greetings Frank,

    All the [ ] square brackets are intact above? If I were to start a new Issue ticket on GitHub, I would merely copy-paste the above across, where the notes are detailed and sufficient as they are.

    I understand the purpose of Pull Requests, but am not properly vetted in the correct usage as to use that feature without a learning curve. I have a full plate and cannot entertain additional efforts.

    As it is, I have done the best I can with the above provision. If my @steveneray account had access to your repository, I could edit the base PHP file and PO and MO language files for accuracy. I have managed 6 other five-star rated WordPress plugins under Artios Media for several years.


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