• Hello,

    I am a Open source Developer working in the https://opengov.in as i need to install wordpress sphinx search plugin 0.4 version but in sphinxsearch.com steps are given for linux.I am using the ubuntu 10.0.4 version,could you tell me the step by step process to activate the sphinx search plugin for the domain.

    I have tried,but errors are coming like make make install hope you reply with the solution

    Thank’s and Regards


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  • sorted 0.4Mhits,44.9% done

    is that a problem should it be 100%. or thats normal watch this

    It’s ok, just a status displaying glitch, all documents were indexed ok as per that screenshot.

    Thread Starter Hemakumars


    in wordpress sphinx search 0.4 we need to run indexing manually and restart daemon every time we put a new post. can that be made automated after every post is published.

    with regards

    You can add the command to run indexing to cron. It can look like this:

    #Delta index.
    #Run cron job every 5 minutes to update delta index:
    */5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/wp-content/plugins/sphinxsearch/cron/reindex.php delta
    #main indexing.
    #Run cron job once a day to update main index:
    #Run every day in 0 hours and 5 minutes
    5 0 * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/wp-content/plugins/sphinxsearch/cron/reindex.php main

    It will index all new posts each 5 minutes. It should be enough in most cases.

    Current implementation of the plugin doesn’t enable indexing after each new post is added, although it’s feasible in terms of technical possibilities. We’re ready to discuss this or any other customization at [email protected].

    hi ivinco
    i have installed wordpress sphinx search plugin in my site , the auto matic indexing is not happening and i need to manually index it.

    i just tried assigning cron on my server but it send a mail stating.
    Status: 404 Not Found
    Content-type: text/html
    No input file specified.

    see my cron job settings here cron

    eagerly waiting for your response

    Hi ezhil

    just tried assigning cron on my server but it send a mail stating.
    Status: 404 Not Found
    Content-type: text/html
    No input file specified.

    see my cron job settings here cron

    It’s strange to receive such error from cron since 404 is a http error code, but the cron command you specified is not related with http. Are you sure that php can be found by /usr/bin/php and that the path to reindex.php is correct? If you’re using some shared hosting public_html is usually in your home dir, i.e. smth like /home/your_name/public_html/… can help.

    hi ivinco
    thanks for your reply ijust tried to run it without php like this

    * * * * *
    indexer –rotate –all /home/flexlear/public_html/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf

    it returns something like this to my mail.
    /bin/sh: indexer: command not found
    iam new to assign cron jobs ,that why i coun’t get that right

    i need to run the delta index for every 5 min and
    the main index for every day.

    sphinx installation folder: /public_html/sphinx
    sphinx config location: /public_html/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf

    or should i use this

    sphinx config location: /home/flexlear/public_html/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf

    eagerly waiting for your reply
    with regards

    hi ivinco
    thanks for your reply ijust tried to run it without php like this
    * * * * *
    indexer –rotate –all /home/flexlear/public_html/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf
    it returns something like this to my mail.
    /bin/sh: indexer: command not found

    I’m not sure, but the correct path to ‘indexer’ could be /home/flexlear/public_html/sphinx/bin/indexer in your case, and to ‘reindex.php’ – /home/flexlear/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-sphinx-plugin/cron/reindex.php

    iam new to assign cron jobs ,that why i coun’t get that right
    i need to run the delta index for every 5 min and
    the main index for every day.
    sphinx installation folder: /public_html/sphinx
    sphinx config location: /public_html/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf
    or should i use this
    sphinx config location: /home/flexlear/public_html/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf

    Try /home/flexlear/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-sphinx-plugin/rep/sphinx.conf

    i just tried resetting my cron to

    /usr/local/bin/php /home/flexlear/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-sphinx-plugin/cron/reindex.php

    i got an error stating
    File ‘reindex_config.php’ is missing.

    then i just added that file to cron folder in the plugin.

    my reindex _config.php has

    define('PATH_TO_SPHINX_INDEXER', '/home/flexlear/public_html/sphinx/bin/indexer');
    define('PATH_TO_SPHINX_CONFIG', '/home/flexlear/public_html/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf');
    define('SPHINX_INDEX_NAME', 'wordpress');

    with no closing ?>
    i just followed your reindex_config_sample.php file to edit mine

    it again showed the same error
    File ‘reindex_config.php’ is missing.

    eagerly waiting for your reply.
    with regards

    i just tried resetting my cron to

    /usr/local/bin/php /home/flexlear/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-sphinx-plugin/cron/reindex.php

    OK, it’s better than error 404.
    Try “cd /home/flexlear/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-sphinx-plugin/cron/ && /usr/local/bin/php reindex.php”
    Don’t forget to specify “main” or “delta” after “reindex.php”.
    It should help.

    hi ivinco
    finally that command works, our team is really happy and grateful to you please continue your good work you rock……

    with regards

    the sphinx daemon stops automatically after sometime.
    is that a bug or can we fix that.
    how to remain in the start mode constantly?

    with regards

    the sphinx daemon stops automatically after sometime.
    is that a bug or can we fix that.
    how to remain in the start mode constantly?

    Could you post last lines from it’s log? It’s usually located in …/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-sphinx-plugin/log/searchd.log

    their is no log folder in the plugin ,but their is one in the sphinx installation

    last three lines

    [Mon Nov 29 02:12:01.524 2010] [32716] rotating indices (seamless=1)
    [Mon Nov 29 02:12:02.535 2010] [32716] rotating index ‘delta_wordpress’: success
    [Mon Nov 29 02:12:02.535 2010] [32716] rotating finished

    last three lines
    [Mon Nov 29 02:12:01.524 2010] [32716] rotating indices (seamless=1)
    [Mon Nov 29 02:12:02.535 2010] [32716] rotating index ‘delta_wordpress’: success
    [Mon Nov 29 02:12:02.535 2010] [32716] rotating finished

    It looks fine, searchd seems to be running. How do you know it stops automatically after some time?

    Actually for the past 3 days i have just left it running
    but when i come and notice the plugin page next day morning ,it has stopped automatically, it has happened consecutively for 3 days..

    is their any command to restart it for safety issues…?

    we are trying to install the same plugin in another domain but it shows a warning
    Warning: assert() [function.assert]: Assertion failed in /home/salemdt5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-sphinx-plugin/php/sphinxapi.php on line 596

    when cron is assigned to this domain it is indexed perfectly ,but when searched ,it shows a warning like this with no result.

    eagerly waiting for your reply..
    with regards

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