Sphinx Search Engine
I am a Open source Developer working in the https://opengov.in as i need to install wordpress sphinx search plugin 0.4 version but in sphinxsearch.com steps are given for linux.I am using the ubuntu 10.0.4 version,could you tell me the step by step process to activate the sphinx search plugin for the domain.
I have tried,but errors are coming like make make install hope you reply with the solution
Thank’s and Regards
Sorry, I forgot to specify option ‘-c’ before config file name.
The correct command for indexing is:
./indexer -c ../etc/sphinx.conf –all –rotateI’m getting an error related to how the sql_range is formed I believe – is this a known bug in the sphinx wordpress plugin?
using config file '/home/labsadmin/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/sphinx.conf'... PHP Deprecated: Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/mcrypt.ini on line 1 in Unknown on line 0 indexing index 'wp_delta'... ERROR: index 'wp_delta': sql_query_range: min_id='0': must be positive 32/64-bit unsigned integer. total 0 docs, 0 bytes total 0.005 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec indexing index 'wp_main'... ERROR: index 'wp_main': sql_query_range: min_id='(null)': must be positive 32/64-bit unsigned integer. total 2 docs, 1488 bytes total 0.002 sec, 662216 bytes/sec, 890.07 docs/sec indexing index 'wp_stats'... collected 0 docs, 0.0 MB total 0 docs, 0 bytes total 0.001 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec total 0 reads, 0.000 sec, 0.0 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg total 4 writes, 0.000 sec, 0.6 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg rotating indices: succesfully sent SIGHUP to searchd (pid=8874).
Open sphinx.conf and add following code on first line after <?php
error_reporting(0);This is fixed in the latest version.
… What code do you add? And what’s the latest version? I clicked on “Download Version 3.0” on the WordPress site, but judging by the file names it appears to be version 0.9.9
Hello komodosp,
can you describe the problem?I was having the same problem as andrewpk above. I just tried it again and didn’t get the error.
But now on the WordPress config screen, I am getting “Warning: Sphinx Search Server is NOT running.”
I clicked on “Start Sphinx Daemon” but I got another error saying “Can not start searchd, try to start it manually.
Command: /home/mmccoy/public_html/testserver/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin/searchd –config /home/mmccoy/public_html/testserver/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/sphinx.conf”So I did that and it said “Listening port=9312”, but still I have “Warning: Sphinx Search Server is NOT running.”
I tried clicking on the Start button again but same error.
After running searchd manually, does search work for you ?
I’m trying to start in manually as komodosp and have following error:
/home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx$ /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin/indexer --config /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/sphinx.conf wp_delta wp_main wp_stats Sphinx 2.0.1-beta (r2792) Copyright (c) 2001-2011, Andrew Aksyonoff Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Sphinx Technologies Inc (https://sphinxsearch.com) using config file '/home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/sphinx.conf'... indexing index 'wp_delta'... ERROR: index 'wp_delta': sql_query_range: min_id='0': must be positive 32/64-bit unsigned integer. total 0 docs, 0 bytes total 0.006 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec indexing index 'wp_main'... ERROR: index 'wp_main': sql_query_range: min_id='(null)': must be positive 32/64-bit unsigned integer. total 4514 docs, 320508 bytes total 0.032 sec, 10002746 bytes/sec, 140877.59 docs/sec indexing index 'wp_stats'... collected 0 docs, 0.0 MB total 0 docs, 0 bytes total 0.001 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec total 1 reads, 0.000 sec, 0.0 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg total 7 writes, 0.000 sec, 0.3 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg
Please help me to do this work.
Hello Vitaliy,
Can you show your sphinx.conf?Hello Vitaliy,
Can you show your sphinx.conf?Yes, here it is:
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q <?php error_reporting(0); $path_to_config = "/home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru"; if ( file_exists( $path_to_config . '/wp-config.php') ) { /** The config file resides in ABSPATH */ require_once( $path_to_config . '/wp-config.php' ); } elseif ( file_exists( dirname($path_to_config) . '/wp-config.php' ) && ! file_exists( dirname($path_to_config) . '/wp-settings.php' ) ) { /** The config file resides one level above ABSPATH but is not part of another install*/ require_once( dirname($path_to_config) . '/wp-config.php' ); } ini_set('short_open_tag', 0); ?> ########################## # WARNING: it is not original sphinx.conf - this file adopted to sphinx # which installed by wordpress Sphinx Search plugin. # Don't use this file as example of sphinx configuration, # better visit the official doc page at https://www.sphinxsearch.com/doc.html ########################## source wp_main_posts { type = mysql sql_host = <?php echo DB_HOST."\n"?> sql_user = <?php echo DB_USER."\n"?> sql_pass = <?php echo DB_PASSWORD."\n"?> sql_db = <?php echo DB_NAME."\n"?> sql_port = 3306 # optional, default is 3306 sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8 sql_query_pre = REPLACE INTO <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter SELECT 1, MAX(id) FROM wp_posts sql_query_range = SELECT MIN(id),( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter WHERE counter_id=1 ) FROM wp_posts sql_range_step = 1000 sql_query = select \ p.ID*2+1 as ID, \ 0 as comment_ID,\ p.ID as post_ID,\ p.post_title as title, \ p.post_content as body, \ t.name as category, \ IF(p.post_type = 'post', 1, 0) as isPost, \ 0 as isComment, \ IF(p.post_type = 'page', 1, 0) as isPage, \ IF(p.post_type = 'post', 0, IF(p.post_type = 'page', 1, 2)) as post_type, \ UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) AS date_added \ from \ wp_posts as p \ left join \ wp_term_relationships tr on (p.ID = tr.object_id) \ left join \ wp_term_taxonomy tt on (tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id and tt.taxonomy = 'category') \ left join \ wp_terms t on (tt.term_id = t.term_id) \ where \ p.id>=$start AND p.id<=$end and \ p.post_status = 'publish' \ group by p.ID sql_attr_uint = comment_ID sql_attr_uint = post_ID sql_attr_uint = isPost sql_attr_uint = isPage sql_attr_uint = isComment sql_attr_uint = post_type sql_attr_timestamp = date_added } source wp_main_comments { type = mysql sql_host = <?php echo DB_HOST."\n"?> sql_user = <?php echo DB_USER."\n"?> sql_pass = <?php echo DB_PASSWORD."\n"?> sql_db = <?php echo DB_NAME."\n"?> sql_port = 3306 # optional, default is 3306 sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8 sql_query_pre = REPLACE INTO <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter SELECT 2, MAX(comment_id) FROM wp_comments sql_query_range = SELECT MIN(comment_id),( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter WHERE counter_id=2 ) FROM wp_comments sql_range_step = 1000 sql_query = select \ c.comment_ID*2 as ID, \ c.comment_ID as comment_ID,\ c.comment_post_ID as post_ID,\ '' as title, \ c.comment_content as body, \ '' as category, \ 0 as isPost, \ 1 as isComment, \ 0 as isPage, \ 2 as post_type, \ UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_date) AS date_added \ from \ wp_comments as c \ where \ c.comment_id>=$start AND c.comment_id<=$end and \ c.comment_approved = '1'; sql_attr_uint = comment_ID sql_attr_uint = post_ID sql_attr_uint = isPost sql_attr_uint = isPage sql_attr_uint = isComment sql_attr_uint = post_type sql_attr_timestamp = date_added } source wp_delta_posts : wp_main_posts { sql_query_range = SELECT ( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter where counter_id = 1 ), MAX(id) FROM wp_posts sql_range_step = 1000 sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8 sql_query = select \ p.ID*2+1 as ID, \ 0 as comment_ID,\ p.ID as post_ID,\ p.post_title as title, \ p.post_content as body, \ t.name as category, \ IF(p.post_type = 'post', 1, 0) as isPost, \ 0 as isComment, \ IF(p.post_type = 'page', 1, 0) as isPage, \ IF(p.post_type = 'post', 0, IF(p.post_type = 'page', 1, 2)) as post_type, \ UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) AS date_added \ from \ wp_posts as p \ left join \ wp_term_relationships tr on (p.ID = tr.object_id) \ left join \ wp_term_taxonomy tt on (tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id and tt.taxonomy = 'category') \ left join \ wp_terms t on (tt.term_id = t.term_id) \ where \ p.id>$start AND p.id<=$end and \ p.post_status = 'publish' \ group by p.ID ; } source wp_delta_comments : wp_main_comments { sql_query_range = SELECT ( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter where counter_id = 2 ), MAX(comment_id) FROM wp_comments sql_range_step = 1000 sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8 sql_query = select \ c.comment_ID*2 as ID, \ c.comment_ID as comment_ID,\ c.comment_post_ID as post_ID,\ '' as title, \ c.comment_content as body, \ '' as category, \ 0 as isPost, \ 1 as isComment, \ 0 as isPage, \ 2 as post_type, \ UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_date) AS date_added \ from \ wp_comments as c \ where \ c.comment_id>$start AND c.comment_id<=$end and \ c.comment_approved = '1'; } index wp_main { source = wp_main_posts source = wp_main_comments path = /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/data/wp_main docinfo = extern morphology = stem_enru html_strip = 1 charset_type = utf-8 charset_table = 0..9,U+41..U+5a->U+61..U+7a, U+61..U+7a, U+aa, U+b5, U+ba, U+c0..U+d6->U+e0..U+f6, U+d8..U+de->U+f8..U+fe, U+df..U+f6, U+f8..U+ff, U+100..U+12f/2, U+130->U+69, U+131, U+132..U+137/2, U+138, U+139..U+148/2, U+149, U+14a..U+177/2, U+178->U+ff, U+179..U+17e/2, U+17f..U+180, U+181->U+253, U+182..U+185/2, U+186->U+254, U+187..U+188/2, U+189..U+18a->U+256..U+257, U+18b..U+18c/2, U+18d, U+18e->U+1dd, U+18f->U+259, U+190->U+25b, U+191..U+192/2, U+193->U+260, U+194->U+263, U+195, U+196->U+269, U+197->U+268, U+198..U+199/2, U+19a..U+19b, U+19c->U+26f, U+19d->U+272, U+19e, U+19f->U+275, U+1a0..U+1a5/2, U+1a6->U+280, U+1a7..U+1a8/2, U+1a9->U+283, U+1aa..U+1ab, U+1ac..U+1ad/2, U+1ae->U+288, U+1af..U+1b0/2, U+1b1..U+1b2->U+28a..U+28b, U+1b3..U+1b6/2, U+1b7->U+292, U+1b8..U+1b9/2, U+1ba..U+1bb, U+1bc..U+1bd/2, U+1be..U+1c3, U+1c4->U+1c6, U+1c5..U+1c6/2, U+1c7->U+1c9, U+1c8..U+1c9/2, U+1ca->U+1cc, U+1cb..U+1dc/2, U+1dd, U+1de..U+1ef/2, U+1f0, U+1f1->U+1f3, U+1f2..U+1f5/2, U+1f6->U+195, U+1f7->U+1bf, U+1f8..U+21f/2, U+220->U+19e, U+221, U+222..U+233/2, U+234..U+23a, U+23b..U+23c/2, U+23d->U+19a, U+23e..U+240, U+241->U+294, U+250..U+2c1, U+2c6..U+2d1, U+2e0..U+2e4, U+2ee, U+37a, U+386..U+389->U+3ac..U+3af, U+38c..U+38e->U+3cc..U+3ce, U+390, U+391..U+3a1->U+3b1..U+3c1, U+3a3..U+3ab->U+3c3..U+3cb, U+3ac..U+3ce, U+3d0..U+3d7, U+3d8..U+3ef/2, U+3f0..U+3f3, U+3f4->U+3b8, U+3f5, U+3f7..U+3f8/2, U+3f9->U+3f2, U+3fa..U+3fb/2, U+3fc..U+3ff, U+400..U+40f->U+450..U+45f, U+410..U+42f->U+430..U+44f, U+430..U+45f, U+460..U+481/2, U+48a..U+4bf/2, U+4c0, U+4c1..U+4ce/2, U+4d0..U+4f9/2, U+500..U+50f/2, U+531..U+556->U+561..U+586, U+559, U+561..U+587, U+5d0..U+5ea, U+5f0..U+5f2, U+621..U+63a, U+640..U+64a, U+66e..U+66f, U+671..U+6d3, U+6d5, U+6e5..U+6e6, U+6ee..U+6ef, U+6fa..U+6fc, U+6ff, U+e01..U+e30, U+e32..U+e33, U+e40..U+e46, U+e81..U+e82, U+e84, U+e87..U+e88, U+e8a, U+e8d, U+e94..U+e97, U+e99..U+e9f, U+ea1..U+ea3, U+ea5, U+ea7, U+eaa..U+eab, U+ead..U+eb0, U+eb2..U+eb3, U+ebd, U+ec0..U+ec4, U+ec6, U+edc..U+edd, U+1000..U+1021, U+1023..U+1027, U+1029..U+102a, U+1050..U+1055, U+10a0..U+10c5->U+2d00..U+2d25, U+10d0..U+10fa, U+10fc, U+2d00..U+2d25, U+1d00..U+1dbf, U+1e00..U+1e95/2, U+1e96..U+1e9b, U+1ea0..U+1ef9/2, U+3005..U+3006, U+3031..U+3035, U+303b..U+303c, U+3041..U+3096, U+309d..U+309f, U+30a1..U+30fa, U+30fc..U+30ff, U+31f0..U+31ff } index wp_delta : wp_main { source = wp_delta_posts source = wp_delta_comments path = /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/data/wp_delta } index wp_ { type = distributed local = wp_main local = wp_delta } source wp_stats { type = mysql sql_host = <?php echo DB_HOST."\n"?> sql_user = <?php echo DB_USER."\n"?> sql_pass = <?php echo DB_PASSWORD."\n"?> sql_db = <?php echo DB_NAME."\n"?> sql_port = 3306 # optional, default is 3306 sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8 sql_query = select id, keywords, status, crc32(keywords) as keywords_crc,\ UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_added) as date_added \ from <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_stats; sql_attr_uint = status sql_attr_uint = keywords_crc sql_attr_timestamp = date_added } index wp_stats { source = wp_stats path = /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/data/wp_stats docinfo = extern morphology = stem_enru html_strip = 1 charset_type = utf-8 charset_table = 0..9,U+41..U+5a->U+61..U+7a, U+61..U+7a, U+aa, U+b5, U+ba, U+c0..U+d6->U+e0..U+f6, U+d8..U+de->U+f8..U+fe, U+df..U+f6, U+f8..U+ff, U+100..U+12f/2, U+130->U+69, U+131, U+132..U+137/2, U+138, U+139..U+148/2, U+149, U+14a..U+177/2, U+178->U+ff, U+179..U+17e/2, U+17f..U+180, U+181->U+253, U+182..U+185/2, U+186->U+254, U+187..U+188/2, U+189..U+18a->U+256..U+257, U+18b..U+18c/2, U+18d, U+18e->U+1dd, U+18f->U+259, U+190->U+25b, U+191..U+192/2, U+193->U+260, U+194->U+263, U+195, U+196->U+269, U+197->U+268, U+198..U+199/2, U+19a..U+19b, U+19c->U+26f, U+19d->U+272, U+19e, U+19f->U+275, U+1a0..U+1a5/2, U+1a6->U+280, U+1a7..U+1a8/2, U+1a9->U+283, U+1aa..U+1ab, U+1ac..U+1ad/2, U+1ae->U+288, U+1af..U+1b0/2, U+1b1..U+1b2->U+28a..U+28b, U+1b3..U+1b6/2, U+1b7->U+292, U+1b8..U+1b9/2, U+1ba..U+1bb, U+1bc..U+1bd/2, U+1be..U+1c3, U+1c4->U+1c6, U+1c5..U+1c6/2, U+1c7->U+1c9, U+1c8..U+1c9/2, U+1ca->U+1cc, U+1cb..U+1dc/2, U+1dd, U+1de..U+1ef/2, U+1f0, U+1f1->U+1f3, U+1f2..U+1f5/2, U+1f6->U+195, U+1f7->U+1bf, U+1f8..U+21f/2, U+220->U+19e, U+221, U+222..U+233/2, U+234..U+23a, U+23b..U+23c/2, U+23d->U+19a, U+23e..U+240, U+241->U+294, U+250..U+2c1, U+2c6..U+2d1, U+2e0..U+2e4, U+2ee, U+37a, U+386..U+389->U+3ac..U+3af, U+38c..U+38e->U+3cc..U+3ce, U+390, U+391..U+3a1->U+3b1..U+3c1, U+3a3..U+3ab->U+3c3..U+3cb, U+3ac..U+3ce, U+3d0..U+3d7, U+3d8..U+3ef/2, U+3f0..U+3f3, U+3f4->U+3b8, U+3f5, U+3f7..U+3f8/2, U+3f9->U+3f2, U+3fa..U+3fb/2, U+3fc..U+3ff, U+400..U+40f->U+450..U+45f, U+410..U+42f->U+430..U+44f, U+430..U+45f, U+460..U+481/2, U+48a..U+4bf/2, U+4c0, U+4c1..U+4ce/2, U+4d0..U+4f9/2, U+500..U+50f/2, U+531..U+556->U+561..U+586, U+559, U+561..U+587, U+5d0..U+5ea, U+5f0..U+5f2, U+621..U+63a, U+640..U+64a, U+66e..U+66f, U+671..U+6d3, U+6d5, U+6e5..U+6e6, U+6ee..U+6ef, U+6fa..U+6fc, U+6ff, U+e01..U+e30, U+e32..U+e33, U+e40..U+e46, U+e81..U+e82, U+e84, U+e87..U+e88, U+e8a, U+e8d, U+e94..U+e97, U+e99..U+e9f, U+ea1..U+ea3, U+ea5, U+ea7, U+eaa..U+eab, U+ead..U+eb0, U+eb2..U+eb3, U+ebd, U+ec0..U+ec4, U+ec6, U+edc..U+edd, U+1000..U+1021, U+1023..U+1027, U+1029..U+102a, U+1050..U+1055, U+10a0..U+10c5->U+2d00..U+2d25, U+10d0..U+10fa, U+10fc, U+2d00..U+2d25, U+1d00..U+1dbf, U+1e00..U+1e95/2, U+1e96..U+1e9b, U+1ea0..U+1ef9/2, U+3005..U+3006, U+3031..U+3035, U+303b..U+303c, U+3041..U+3096, U+309d..U+309f, U+30a1..U+30fa, U+30fc..U+30ff, U+31f0..U+31ff } indexer { mem_limit = 32M } searchd { port = 3312 read_timeout = 5 max_children = 30 pid_file = /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/log/searchd.pid max_matches = 10000 log = /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/log/searchd.log query_log = /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/log/query.log } # --eof--
Its basically generated sphinx.conf after installing plugin.
I have:- FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE amd64
- mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.92, for portbld-freebsd8.0 (amd64) using 5.2
- PHP 5.2.17
sphinx.conf looks ok.
It seems that the problem in the wp_posts and wp_comments tables.
Tryselect min(id) from wp_posts; select min(comment_id) from wp_comments;
Make sure minimum ID is positive, more then 0.
If it is not, you can try to remove posts with ID <= 0 if it is possible.If not you can rewrite this two SQL commands in sphinx.conf, from:
SELECT MIN(id),( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter WHERE counter_id=1 ) FROM wp_posts SELECT MIN(comment_id),( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter WHERE counter_id=2 ) FROM wp_comments
SELECT IF(MIN(id) > 0, MIN(id), 1),( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter WHERE counter_id=1 ) FROM wp_posts SELECT IF(MIN(comment_id) > 0, MIN(comment_id), 1),( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter WHERE counter_id=2 ) FROM wp_comments
This workaround will skip posts and comments with non-positive IDs.
I replaced the code in sphinx.conf as you sad and tryed to start manually again.
There was another error in wp_comment, min id = 0.
And then I added 2 comments, and everyting work fine!So soultion is: add comments to wordpress.
Here is the result:
/home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx$ /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin/indexer --config /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/sphinx.conf wp_delta wp_main wp_stats Sphinx 2.0.1-beta (r2792) Copyright (c) 2001-2011, Andrew Aksyonoff Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Sphinx Technologies Inc (https://sphinxsearch.com) using config file '/home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/sphinx.conf'... indexing index 'wp_delta'... collected 0 docs, 0.0 MB total 0 docs, 0 bytes total 0.008 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec indexing index 'wp_main'... collected 4517 docs, 0.3 MB sorted 0.0 Mhits, 100.0% done total 4517 docs, 320618 bytes total 0.051 sec, 6212323 bytes/sec, 87521.79 docs/sec indexing index 'wp_stats'... collected 0 docs, 0.0 MB total 0 docs, 0 bytes total 0.001 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec total 5 reads, 0.009 sec, 59.4 kb/call avg, 1.9 msec/call avg total 19 writes, 0.001 sec, 32.0 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg
Thanks Yaroslav!
But I still have wordpress plugin error:
Indexer: reindexing error, try to run it manually. Command: /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin/indexer --config /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/sphinx.conf wp_delta wp_main wp_stats
Why? Manual reindex is working fine.
Next, I am trying to start searchd (sphinx deamon):
Can not start searchd, try to start it manually. Command: /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin/searchd --config /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/sphinx.conf
And I am starting it manually:
/home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx$ /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin/searchd --config /home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/sphinx.conf [Mon May 16 11:15:44.505 2011] [48959] using config file '/home/imgcctv/imgcctv.ru/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/sphinx.conf'... [Mon May 16 11:15:45.109 2011] [48959] WARNING: compat_sphinxql_magics=1 is deprecated; please update your application and config [Mon May 16 11:15:45.110 2011] [48959] listening on all interfaces, port=3312 Sphinx 2.0.1-beta (r2792) Copyright (c) 2001-2011, Andrew Aksyonoff Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Sphinx Technologies Inc (https://sphinxsearch.com) precaching index 'wp_main' read 0.1 of 0.2 MB, 84.7% done read 0.1 of 0.2 MB, 84.7% done read 0.2 of 0.2 MB, 100.0% done precaching index 'wp_delta' read 0.0 of 0.0 MB, 100.0% done precaching index 'wp_stats' read 0.0 of 0.0 MB, 100.0% done
Maybe some permissions problem, check that web user have access to read/write index files and have access to execute indexer/searchd commands.
About “warning compat_sphinxql_magics”, I would recommend to use 0.9.9 version, version 2.0 is not recommended for production.
Also, this version not tested in WP Sphinx plugin yet.
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