Hi Stanislav and thanks for your feedback. My name is Vova and I’m the lead dev of Freemius Insights.
As you mentioned, Freemius is an opt-in only, NO data is captured unless the user explicitly approve it. So if you are not comfortable with sharing data, simply click skip.
In addition, it only tracks very basic info about the plugin usage, the site and the user that opted-in (not other users in the system).
The goal of the platform is to provide developers an analytics tool to improve the plugin’s UX and make it better. Learn the weaknesses of the plugin and why people uninstall it, to fix those flaws.
The Pojo team developed an amazing and absolutely free plugin as a contribution to the open-source community. So there’s no commercial incentive adding Freemius Insights at all. In the end of the day, it’s for the benefit of the users.
With regards to the opt-in, we strictly follow the www.ads-software.com guidelines and made sure to explicitly mention everything that being captured. Having said that, we are always open to feedback from users to build a better solution – how would you make it better from a user perspective?