• Hi Everyone,

    I am new to block themes and working with them. I am trying to find a way to create a splash page or a pop up screen, that would load once only. This when the site is first visited. It should support a selection of “Yes” and “No” buttons. IF “Yes” then it would redirect to the usual home page. “No” would redirect the visitor somewhere else.

    I have found some write-ups on how to implement it using php template files but did not have much luck with this for block themes. I do not want to use a plugin.

    Thank you.

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  • Moderator jordesign


    Hi @zephyrr,

    The kind of thing you’re talking about would likely not be possible to do just with the Site Editor. It’s certainly possible to set up a splash page (as your front page) which includes the two buttons to then redirect the user to their choice. However, that is the page that would show on all visits to the page – not only on the first visit.

    If it’s something that you want to appear only once (and then remain hidden using cookies, or some other method) that’s definitely something that would need a plugin.

    Thread Starter Zephyrinus Rodrigues


    Hi @jordesign,

    Thank you very much for your reply. You have confirmed what I suspected. The php template solution does use cookies to remember if you already visited the site. Looks like I will have to learn how to use and develop with the Gutenburg plugin. I think I will run with a Front Page as a splash page for the moment in order to move forward. I want to keep the number of plugins I use to a minimum.

    Wish you a Very Happy 2024!

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