• Resolved robin218


    I’m currently working on changing some of the display on a single listing, and I’m admittedly more of a Perl person than a PHP person.

    Is there a way to display the address as separate fields in the single template? As is it’s merged on one line. I’d like to split the fields and display conditionally inside <li></li> tags similar to social links in single.php but not sure what the field names are, or the best way to do it.

    Also, what’s the difference between single.php and single2.php, and are they interchangeable? It appears single.php offers maybe more customization possibilities but I’m not aware when or if it’s used.

    So far it’s a remarkable plugin!

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  • thanks for using this plugin, so in directory settings under Template Overriding, there is option either theme default or plugin default. if you select theme default, sigle2.php is used, if you select plugin default then single.php is used

    Plugin Author LDD Web Design


    We’re going to mark this as resolved for now. If you have any further questions please feel free to post another support thread.

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