• I know this question has been asked before but I haven’t been able to resolve it. I’m a newbie to wordpress and really need help.

    I would like to split my posts to show on two specific pages which will have links in the header. One will be news and one will be blog. I don’t want the main posting page where everything is posted together. I just want them to go straight to their respective pages.

    Hope this is understandable. I’m not sure how to word it.

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  • Thread Starter flaog


    Thanks for the quick response but I probably should explained myself better. I already have a static front page and a separate page called news. I tried creating another page for blog but I don’t know how to have the news posts go to news and the blog posts go to blog. At the moment, everything goes to the news page.

    You need to create a custom query within your theme’s index.php template file (the main posts template) to include only the news category. The blog posts can then be viewed using the standard category link.

    It works reasonably using categories. This is addressed in the final couple of forum replies on https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/two-blog-pages-for-one-wordpress-site-no-help-from-previous-posts?replies=24#post-2271747

    Thread Starter flaog


    Thanks for the replies.
    I did see that Stu-TDW. It’s not exactly what I’m after but it would work for now. Would you be willing to share a link to your site so I can see how it looks?
    Also, I noticed the original poster has managed to achieve what I’d like to do. I might try to contact him and ask how he did it.
    Will pass on the information if I can find out.

    Sorry flaog but I can’t give you a link to the site yet as I have built it for a client who is withholding publication for several weeks. It certainly works and looks as if it is two independent blogs, each with its own “page” menu. I also have Recent Posts and Archives showing under their own “blog” names (i.e. category names) in the sidebar.

    Ruth at Virtual Balance


    @flaog – got a weird email from WordPress quoting a post from you but it doesn’t appear to be where it should be.

    Anyway, you wanted to know how I got the two blog pages on my site at https://www.consultyorkshire.com

    It finally turned out to be quite easy using the theme Weaver which has the option to create a page-with-posts. To get 2 blog pages, you need to have 3 of these pages-with-posts. Call them P-w-P 1, P-w-P 2 and P-w-P 3.

    P-w-P 1 behaves normally and shows all your posts and this is the page that you specify in the settings as your “blog” page. The trick is that you make a custom menu and don’t include this page so it isn’t visible.

    Then you want to direct one lot of posts to P-w-P 2 and one set to P-w-P 3. In Weaver, this is also quite simple to do. P-w-P 2 can be set TO display Category X and P-w-P 3 can be set to NOT display Category X.

    P-w-P 2 and/or P-w-P 3 can be displayed on your custom menu, where it will look and behave like a normal blog page as far as I can see.

    The only problem now for me is that I want complete control over P-w-P 2 and I want other members of my consortium to be free to post what they like on P-w-P 3. To do this, I’ve got a plug-in called Restrict Categories which allows only the Webmaster to access Category X.

    You can see the result of all this on my site https://www.consultyorkshire.com
    Bear in mind it’s a work in progress, so it looks quite bare at the moment!

    The only page of posts you can see is called “Articles” and it corresponds to P-w-P 3 above. It’s on the main menu along with Home, About, etc.

    The top menu is a category menu – I don’t know if this is WP standard or a Weaver thing. All the items there are sub-categories of the main category called “| Show Directory”. This is my Category X which controls where posts go.

    Hope that explains it and is helpful. If you want me to do it for you, I charge £25 an hour (40 Australian dollars). ??

    Thread Starter flaog


    No worries and thank you for your help Stu-TDW. Between yours and Ruth’s instructions on the other post, I should manage to get mine working. Being new at this, it’s all a bit of a learning curve.
    Ruth, I don’t know what happened to my post. I didn’t delete it but it has completely disappeared. Thanks for replying, I don’t have the same theme but I’m going to give it a go.

    For this WordPress site https://rocketscience.com.au/ the client wanted the blog to be set up as a vehicle to profile client “case studies” in five different categories. At this stage the client creates all the posts but acceptance of posts from the public could easily be allowed any time. We set the menu for the five “blogs” in the sidebar rather than the horizontal page menu but could just as easily have included them (as categories) with the other pages.

    Consistent with the suggestions by Ruth and me in our forum entries, the actual blog containing all posts is not accessible from the menu, leaving the five categories of posts behaving as if they are separate blogs.

    Hope this is useful.

    Ruth at Virtual Balance


    @stu – your website looks good and I can see it’s the same idea as mine. How did you make it say “Case File Categories” instead of the standard category archive title?

    We listed the category headings in the sidebar using the standard Categories widget and set the title as “Case Study Categories” in the widget admin area. The other plug-in we used to adjust the category order was WEssley Roche’s Category Order (Wessley Roche).

    Ruth at Virtual Balance


    I see – this must be a Weaver thing. I’m using its facility to create a second custom menu, not the widget. I’ll see what Bruce’s website says.

    Ruth at Virtual Balance


    Just a footnote to this – the main “blog” page, which you don’t show on your menus, should be no-indexed or it’ll turn up on search results.

    I’m placing my query here as this is the closest to my question which is very similar to the above. I have also checked out the STu-DTW link.

    I also want two “blog” pages where the posts in each are allocated to categories.

    One is named BLOG – which I want to use for articles I or others write.

    Second is named NEWS – which I want to use for News Feeds.

    One suggestion I had to deal with the news feeds from Google Alerts was to do this:

    my best answer on that would be to set up a subdomain (new install of wordpress) and have it posting separately there. This will be seen as a totally new site in Google’s eyes –
    then what you could do is from that new site,
    copy the RSS feed link (normally it will look like
    https://subdomainname.yoursite.com/feed/ )

    and then put that RSS link into a widget on your original blog sidebar.

    setup a subdomain
    install wordpress on that subdomain
    install G Alert on the subdomain and configure it
    Copy the RSS feed link of the subdomain
    log into original domain
    setup widget with RSS on the sidebar of original domain
    paste in the new RSS
    Mission accomplished.

    I would prefer not to have a separate installation on a subdomain though. I almost can do what do do from the above posts but not quite. Anyone know the best way to accomplish my goal?

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