• I use the checkboxes to calculate the total value.
    Everything works great as long als the values are numbers (prices).
    In de contactform and in the mail the numbers for the chose checkboxes and the total amount are shown.
    However, I would also like to show the product-name in de mail.

    I can’t use the pipes because than the calculation doesn’t work.
    Is there another way to get de product-name to be shown in the mail?
    Below I use mailvalue as an example, but can I use a different name?

    [checkbox selectie "10|Name of product"]

    <input type="checkbox" name="selectie2[]" value="10" mailvalue="Name of product">Name of product



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  • Thread Starter ingbas


    Dear Takayuki,

    If this is not possible or you don’t understand my question? Can you please tell me? I am stuck right now.

    It is the last puzzle of my solution in creating an orderform with calculations in Contact Form 7.

    If somebody else can help me… please!!

    Ingrid (Holland)

    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    I don’t understand your question. At least, I can’t suggest something since I don’t know how you do the calculation. You’re using JavaScript or PHP for that?

    In case you didn’t know: Selectable Recipient with Pipes

    Thread Starter ingbas


    Dear Takayuki,

    Thanks for your answer.
    I use a combination of php en javascript.

    The selectable pipes I understand:
    Below 10 is shown in de dropdown and Productname in the email.
    ‘[checkbox selectie “10|Productname”]’

    But I can’t use the pipe, because my calculation uses the value to calculate.
    It works when I use:
    <input type="checkbox" name="selectie2[]" value="10">Productname

    But than in the e-mailmessage you only see 10 and I want to show the Productname as well. I need the name in the email and not only the number.

    Is there something else I can use in the <input type="checkbox" name="selectie2[]" value="10"> part. To shows an extra text (productname) in the email that is sent? For example namevalue=”Productname” or mailvalue=”Pruductname”

    I hope my question is clearer now.

    Ingrid (Holland)

    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    I’m still not sure, but maybe you can use _raw_ prefix in the mail tag for that. Then do the calculation on server-side.

    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    I mean [checkbox selectie "Productname|10"] in the form, and [selectie] (value: 10) and [_raw_selectie] (value: Productname) in the mail.

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