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  • I had a quick look at that theme. Among the files are page.php and page-comments.php

    page-comments.php contains the call to the comments form while page.php doesn’t.

    You need to assign the page template page-comments.php to be used to display whatever pages you want comments to appear in. Have a look at the template hierarchy.

    Thread Starter bradstinyworld


    I should have clarified. Both files are included to give the end user the opportunity to choose. I should have made that more clear and put it in the readme file (I’ll get on that one). The comments section still doesn’t work even if you rename the page-comments.php to page.php nor when you use it as a separate template file. However when you delete both files and let the theme use the index.php for pages comments and threading work just fine. The same thing happens with the default and classic themes as well. Default won’t show threaded page comments even when it is a duplicate of the single.php, but classic which uses neither page.php nor single.php will display and thread page comments.

    I see what you mean. Try renaming page-comments.php to page_comments.php then reselect/reassign whatever page you want to use that template file.

    Thread Starter bradstinyworld


    Changing the name brought no joy either. I know the coding is good as it is duplicate coding of single.php and that does work. I can get page_comments.php to show the comment form and you can leave comments, as I could before when it was page-comments.php or even renamed page.php. However the setup won’t show the comments left.

    Despite what a few people claim, I have yet to find a theme as an example where pages get comments using page.php. A few people who said they are doing it with their theme won’t let me see the files so there is a big secret which is possible. Alternately my way is the only way that works and those people are big fat liars, just as likely in my opinion.

    I just installed that theme locally to see for myself. I see what you mean about the comment form showing but not the actual comments themselves. The fact that I can successfully do it in half dozen other themes I tested leads me to suspect a coding problem somewhere in the comments template file but I haven’t got the time to debug right now.

    Edit: if you have the time you may want to carefully compare the comments template file of that theme to another such as the default theme

    Thread Starter bradstinyworld


    I have a feeling it is because the theme comes precoded for tweetbacks, but I have used a standard 2.7 comments.php loop and had the same problem. I have talked to a few other people who have confirmed pages with comments just don’t work in some themes and we have tried using standard and modified loops. My suspicion is it might have something to do with the functions.php file.

    Since I can make this work by calling on the index.php file for pages, what I think i am going to do is use a page template for pages you don’t want comments on. That is much easier to achieve than the other way around.

    BTW can you tell me which themes you were looking at with threaded page comments? I’d like to compare.

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