Statistics information will be hold on your account, only for your own usage. It is up to you to use or avoid using website visitors analyzing services. Considering our service is not just about numbers of visit, it give very good idea to owner of businesses such as shopping and ecommerce websites to know what they visitors are exactly looking for.
We never share or access this information without permission of website owner and we never reveal identity of individuals who visit website. We just give a overview of their browser, device that used to access website, pages … to help owner of website better understand visitors behaviour.
It can be considered as spying if we use this information for our own benefit, but only thing we do with this information is to save it under your account and show it to you when you need to analyze your visitors.
Remember, unlike Internet service providers who log your every visits, we are just providing this service to webmasters who want to use it and it is in control of webmasters to either use it or don’t use it.