• Hello – one of my old domains & hosting expired and unfortunately I lost the site (got no warning from the account…grr). I have a SQL file backup of the site, and I followed the instructions to upload it from here:


    All goes well until I get this very long winded error message.

    SQL query: Documentation

    — — Dumping data for table wp_customcontactforms_fields — INSERT INTO wp_customcontactforms_fields (id, field_slug, field_label, field_type, field_value, field_maxlength, user_field, field_instructions, field_options, field_required, field_class, field_error, field_max_upload_size, field_allowed_file_extensions) VALUES (1, ‘captcha’, ‘Type the numbers.’, ‘Text’, ”, 100, 0, ‘Type the numbers displayed in the image above.’, ‘a:0:{}’, 0, ”, ”, 0, ”), (2, ‘recaptcha’, ”, ‘Text’, ”, 100, 0, ‘Type the numbers displayed in the image above.’, ‘a:0:{}’, 0, ”, ”, 0, ”), (3, ‘usaStates’, ‘Select a State’, ‘Dropdown’, ”, 0, 0, ”, ‘a:0:{}’, 0, ”, ”, 0, ”), (4, ‘allCountries’, ‘Select a Country’, ‘Dropdown’, ”, 0, 0, ”, ‘a:0:{}’, 0, ”, ”, 0, ”), (5, ‘ishuman’, ‘Check if you are human.’, ‘Checkbox’, ‘1’, 0, 0, ‘This helps us prevent spam.’, ‘a:0:{}’, 0, ”, ”, 0, ”), (6, ‘fixedEmail’, ‘Your Email’, ‘Text’, ”, 100, 0, ‘Please enter your email[…]

    MySQL said: Documentation
    #1062 – Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key ‘PRIMARY’

    Does anyone have any clue why this wouldn’t work for me?

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  • #1062 – Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key ‘PRIMARY’

    Primary key cannot have a duplicate value(id).

    VALUES (1, ‘captcha’, ‘Type the numbers.’

    either remove this whole query or replace id field(quoted above, with value 1) with some integer which wount repeat for this table.

    That sounds like you already have values in that table,. If you do you can either remove the INSERT statement from your import, change the ID’s to be unique, or empty out the existing values in the table before you import the new ones.

    Thread Starter hmistler


    I’ve never done this before so this is all new! I did install wordpress on the site & started fooling around with some posts; that’s when I decided to just upload the old version. So would I have to remove WordPress from the site & try this again? Or just remove the content I have (like posts, images, etc.) but keep the theme? I’m not sure what I would need to get rid of in order for the restoration to work…thanks so much

    Ok, that is a bit differnet, but actually might be eaiser!

    For the file,s you’d just upload everything that you have to the server – but be sure that you don’t overwrite the existing wp-cinfig.php file with your database settings in it.

    For the database, go into phpMyAdmin, and DROP all of the current tables. Then you can import the SQL dump file and you won’t (at least shouldn’t…) get any errors.

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