• Hello everybody,

    I’m confronted with following problem : when I make a “square” gallery with 10 pictures I get 1 big picture (954 x 954) and 9 smaller ones (313 x 313. When I remove 1 picture all pictures are visualised equal (313 x 313). How can I have all my pictures viewed at the same size (313 x 313) independently from the number of pictures I use?


    ps : Cropping all pictures at 313 pixels didn’t give any positive result (1 picture gets upscaled to 954 pixels resulting in the same problem as originaly).

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  • What theme are you using? Where did you download it from?

    Thread Starter hendrikv


    I use a standard theme by default installed in WordPress : Twenty Twelve

    I think your problem is geometry.
    A square would be equal sides – therefore, with images 313 x 313, you would get a larger square of 3 rows of 3 images in each row. This larger square would be 939px by 939px. Taking into account any padding or margins you have on each 313 x 313 image, you are getting a final large square of 954px by 954px.

    If you add a tenth image, it is not going to fit within a row of that larger square, so it spreads to fill the entire width of the larger square.

    If you want a “square” gallery with 3 images per row, then you have to only add images by 3’s – 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, etc.

    Thread Starter hendrikv


    Thanks ModularBase.

    For my purpose I need 10 equal images on 2 rows (2 x 5). The photo gallery will be displayed full screen on a 23″ wide image lcd in a public space. But for now with 10 images I have still this problem that the first image is put on screen with a much bigger resolution of 954 x 954. While the others or put on screen as 313 x 313. With 9 images all images are visualized equal (313″ x 313) but then I have a blank space in the right under corner ( first row 5 images + second row 4 images).

    I’ve tried to limit all images at 313 pixels width by adapting functions.php of my Twenty Twelve theme (as explained here : https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Content_Width) but then I got 1 image at 307 x 307 and the 9 others at 100 x 100.

    Short : I just don’t seem to find the way how to have all images equal independently of the number images I use in my Square Tiles gallery [gallery type="square"] in my WordPress site.

    This is the url I use for testing : https://www.octopuls.com/wp (I’ll will be putting a video splash screen in front later on).

    Are you using a gallery plugin – either one you’ve installed or one which came with the theme you are using?

    Thread Starter hendrikv


    I’m using the JetPack plugin with the option ‘Tiled Galleries’ activated.

    Is your shortcode [gallery type="rectangular"] or [gallery type="square"]?

    …from here: https://jetpack.me/support/tiled-galleries/
    …and here: https://en.support.wordpress.com/images/gallery/#adding-a-gallery-or-slideshow

    Thread Starter hendrikv


    * The shortcode in my case is [gallery type="square"].

    * I’m trying now to adapt the width code in the functions.php file to see if I can make it possible this way to have pictures with identical width in the gallery independently of the number of pictures I’m uploading. But I’m having strange results for now. Hmmm….

    So I’ve spent a great deal of time looking for a solution to the layout issue with square galleries and circle galleries. Initially I also thought “why is the first image so dang large?”

    I then realized that the rows of tiles want to try to match your $content_width. So I added this to my themes functions.php:

    if ( ! isset( $content_width ) )
        $content_width = 640; //pixel dimension. change to what you need

    Everything seemed fine but… then I visited my site on a mobile device and the layout was messed up. It seemed like when my page rendered at smaller screen sizes, the image sizes weren’t calculated correctly. So I hit the forums looking for a solution. I finally gave up and came up with a quick n dirty fix with some jquery and css.

    First, add this to your theme (this assumes your theme uses jquery – if it doesn’t jetpack likely adds it as most of its javascript depends on jquery). You can add before wp_footer() in your footer.php – or if you’re really cool, dump it in a separate javascript file and add it with wp_enqueue_script and use the ‘post_gallery’ hook to only add it to pages/posts that are using galleries.

    	jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    	//jetpack tiled gallery fix
    	$('.tiled-gallery.type-square, .tiled-gallery.type-circle').each(function() {
            var tilecount = $(this).children('.tiled-gallery-item').length;
    		if(tilecount % 3 === 1) {
    		} else if(tilecount % 3 === 2) {
    			$('.tiled-gallery-item:first-child, .tiled-gallery-item:nth-child(2)',this).addClass('both-first-row');

    That will add some classes to square and circle galleries where the number of images is not divisible by 3. You can then add some really quick n dirty css to your theme’s style.css.

    .type-square .tiled-gallery-item, .type-circle .tiled-gallery-item {
        width: 33.3333% !important;
        height:auto !important;
        box-sizing: border-box;
    .type-square .tiled-gallery-item img, .type-square .tiled-gallery-item.in-first-row, .type-square .tiled-gallery-item.in-first-row *, .type-circle .tiled-gallery-item img, .type-circle .tiled-gallery-item.in-first-row, .type-circle .tiled-gallery-item.in-first-row * {
        width: 100% !important;
    	height:auto !important;
    .tiled-gallery-item.both-first-row {
    	width:50% !important;

    That was my “get it done now” solution but… the idea is sound if you want to improve upon it. You could, for instance replace jetpack’s stylesheets for square/circle galleries using wp_dequeue_style and that same hook, ‘post_gallery,’ and copy/edit those stylesheets to include with your theme (or in a plugin).

    Lastly, if you aren’t a fan of the larger square or circle thumbnails and you absolutely want all images the same size, you could just add this to your stylesheet.

    .type-square .tiled-gallery-item, .type-circle .tiled-gallery-item {
        width: 33.3333% !important;
        height:auto !important;
        box-sizing: border-box;
    .type-square .tiled-gallery-item img, .type-circle .tiled-gallery-item img  {
        width: 100% !important;
        height:auto !important;

    So… I hope that helps. Good luck. Also, this should probably be in the Jetpack forum.

    hi there,

    the code works, but I was wondering how I can get the 1st image to fill the square box like the others?


    Do you have a link to share? One that has a tiled gallery?

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