• Resolved ellapaliy


    All of my square transactions keep on being put on hold. In the order notes it says “payment processed” and then “payment held for review”. I contacted Square and they said that they have no control on their end and that it’s the plugin that is causing this. Is anyone else having this issue?

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  • I am having this same issue also! This is what I get:

    Square Transaction Held for Review () Order status changed from Pending payment to On hold.

    I can manually go in and “capture payment” on the order page and it will go through, but it will not do it automatically.

    One of my clients is getting this problem as well.

    I’m having this issue as well. Disabling and re-enabling the Square connection did not fix the issue.

    I’m also having this issue. Has anyone found a solution?

    I see that one day ago people are still asking about this? Has anyone found a true solution? My website is working fine with Square, but my friend’s who I set up exactly the way mine is set up – is not working.

    @horsecreeksoap – you mentioned manually capturing the payment on the order page. What does that entail?


    @geminiredcraft it basically just entails going into each order clicking on “capture” I think. Then following the prompts. If you don’t have many orders each day it wouldn’t be a big deal, but if you received a lot of orders I imagine it would get old quickly.

    As of yet, I have not found a solution to this problem. I opened a ticket, and am working with a woocommerce rep. So far… nothing has helped. Still working though!

    As a work around, I just enabled my free Square store. They have actually improved the free store they offer and provide it through weebly now. It’s still not as functional as square + woo is, but I at least have some place to sell things in the mean time.

    @horsecreeksoap I’m assuming your site is horsecreeksoap.com.

    So is the checkout page I’m seeing at https://www.horsecreeksoap.com/checkout/
    the square store? All of my payments fail so this seems a great temporary solution. Is it easy to set up?

    Thank you



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi everyone,

    If payments placed in your WooCommerce store are put On Hold, this likely means that the plugin is set to only authorize them without capture. To get this fixed, please go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Square and make sure Transaction Type is set to Capture:


    For orders that are in On-Hold status already, you can manually capture funds by changing order status to either Processing or Completed:


    Hope that helps!

    Mine is already set to Capture…

    @amyr123 that is my one through woocommerce. My current square store is:

    When I completely disconnected and reconnected my store from square, it fixed my capture problem, but it created a much bigger problem. I use square as my system of record as I sell both in person and online.

    Now probably 50% or more of my products won’t sync. My inventory won’t sync. It allows the purchase of out of stock items, it is incorrectly naming products, it is a giant mess now. On top of that, instead of giving me time to reply, they simply learned my ticket as solved and closed it. So very frustrating.

    @horsecreeksoap – thank you for your response
    @madeincosmos – thank you for the response. It’s already set to charge so not sure where the problem is coming from.



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    @horsecreeksoap the site https://horsecreeksoapco.square.site doesn’t seem to be built with WooCommerce. I just found your support ticket with us about the other site you have, so let’s continue the conversation about it in that ticket.

    @cruiseader & @geminiredcraft: If the Transaction Type is already set to Capture, but you’re still seeing the message Square Transaction Held for Review, this can mean that some additional setup is required on the Square account. Here’s a Square FAQ item that describes in what situations this can happen:


    I’d recommend to check this with Square support and make sure all account & payment details are set up correctly.

    If this doesn’t help, please change Debug Mode to Save To Log in WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Square. The next time this problem happens there should be a Square log file under WooCommerce > Status > Logs. Please find the one with the most recent date and paste it here.

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    @madeincosmos correct. My other site is. I was replying to another person above who was asking about the temporary free square site I set up until I get the one with woo fixed.

    I should be able to work on it later this afternoon. Thanks!!



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Sounds good! Our support tickets automatically close after 6 days with no reply, but you can send your answer at any time to open it back.

    If you have a chance, you can get in touch with Square support too and see if they have any suggestions why there’s Square Transaction Held for Review saved on the order, and if it could be any of the reasons here:



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