Thanks for reaching out @fiscardo. From the checks I performed on your site I can see the same ad appearing on some pages, however, this isn’t unexpected (See this similar querry posted to the AdSense forums).
With regards these appearing next to each this, this may not be ideal however there is no control over that ads appear within any suitable positions on your site when using Auto ads. This is regardless of whether you use Site Kit or not to place AdSense code on your site. You can restrict ad from area’s of your site, reduce the ad load or limit your advertisers if you find this is occurring for particular ads. These must be done from the AdSense platform directly, and they may help in limiting the issue you’re reporting. Unfortunately we’re limited to Site Kit queries here in the plugin forums, but hopefully that will help. The product experts over at the AdSense Help Center can assist with this more than we can here.
Have I somehow got two lots of code enabled. I cant quite see how this would happen as I only linked Site Kit to my adsense account and enabled placement?
I can see that you have the Site Kit code placed on your site, along with what looks like an additional single ad unit code snippet. You may wish to confirm this by temporary deactivating Site Kit and checking for the snippets placed on your site by inspecting the source code.
Let me know if you have any questions with the above.