The “stageshow-boxoffice-separator” line is there to separate blocks of tickets for the same performance, which it does by adding an empty separator row to the start of the table for each block, except the first. This is intended to improve the readability of the box office output, and generally works as intended. For further clarity, I’ve done some screenshots from my trial site with and without the separator rows, which can be seen here.
It is worth noting that if the StageShow “Seats Available” settings is set, then this does provide a break between the blocks anyway, and the separator row is not really necessary. I’ll consider if it is better to remove the separator under these circumstances.
A couple of other notes:
You did not need to remove line 329, and doing so changes the box-office output so that duplicate date/time outputs are displayed. Example shown in the screenshots.
If you need to remove the separator line, it would be best done with CSS, by adding the following to either a custom CSS file, or your theme:
display: none;
If you are still having issues, perhaps you could give me a link to your site (via my contact page here maybe) so I can see the problem for myself.