Staging to production with RankMath on a longer running production site
I allready read in these topics: first and second topic only describes the process where you transfer a staging to a new production site, as you recomment to “delete all old analytics data from the staging site after transfer”.
Now I am interested on the best practice when you have a woocommerce store with rank math that is allready running a while and has allready produced some relevant SEO Analytics Data. In that case I do an inbetween update by first transfering the production site to a staging site, there I create new pages, posts, products and terms and add your new Rankmatch settings to them and change Rankmath settings on some old pages, posts, products and terms to optimize them. While you do that your live site produces further relevant Analytics data from the ongoing user traffic. Then you want to push back your staging site to your production site.
And this is the point where I wonder:
- Is there any kind of SEO relevant data on production site that gathered through user traffic while I was doing my updates on staging, which I lose when overwriting the options table and all datatables that contain “_rankmath”?
And here are more detailed sub-questions to better understand what I am looking for:
- Is the best practice here (just in terms of rankmath and the SEO of the production site) to overwrite the options table and all datatables that contain “_rankmath” from staging to production? Or will I lose important SEO data because old settings are overwritten that will decrease my SEO ranking because old pages, posts, products and terms are “SEO wise interpreted as new pages, posts, products and terms and not as optmized old ones”?
- If I lose important SEO ranking data on old pages, posts, products or terms when just overwriting the optionstable and all datatables that contain “_rankmath”, which tables should I exclude, when I also do transfer completel new pages, posts or terms?
- Or does it makes sense in that context that I use the rank math settings import export instead of trying to exclude datatables? If yes, which are there any settings to exlude to not overwrite impotant data on production and why does it make more sense to use that way?
- And with all that in mind, are there any Files or Folders that I should exclude when doing the transfer back from staging to production?
- And last but not least, are there any other Rank Math settings besides pages, posts, products and term Rank Math settings that I can optimize in staging and then transfer to production which will overwrite data that should not be overwritten on staging in terms of: “Will be registered as new, which will reduce my ranking” or something similar?
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