• The server our WP site is hosted is fast, but it doesn’t allow us to automatic upgrade plugins or WordPress core.

    WP has no permission to create a new directory (IE. upgrade or uploads), so these have to be created manually and set chmod permissions. It also means setting chmod permissions higher than necessary. Old sites we hosted with GoDaddy never had this problem and their permission settings are standard and more secure.

    We host only our client’s sites, but have limited hosting background. Thankfully, we have not had problems, except for being able to automatically upgrade.

    Our server guy is very good, but doesn’t know much about WP requirements, so we’re trying to help him troubleshoot so everyones, including our experience with WP is as seemless as it should be.

    1. Is this a new Apache setting that’s bogging us down?
    2. Is there some kind of CPanel addon or MySQL permission we can set to enable writable directories without 775 permission settings?

    Again, we’re novice to this process, so any troubleshooting tips would be super helpful.

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