• I had a Superhero Theme blog on wp.com and just migrated to wp.org. Gulp. I downloaded Superhero again, but on wp.org it did not give me the two color theme variations that it originally allowed me to choose from on .com.
    I REALLY liked my original blog look on .com. Is there any way to recapture the same colors that came as one of two standard options before? I had previously selected the brown/red theme.
    Also, I really DON’T like the yellow/blue theme that is in the side bar boxes and want to change those, if possible.
    My blog is pocketchangecaferacers.com.

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  • Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Colour palettes are a feature exclusive to WordPress.com.

    If you can provide a link to your WordPress.com address, I can take a look to see if we can replicate the colour scheme with custom CSS.

    Hi Kathryn,

    I also have the Superhero Theme and my website is https://www.gdportasejanelas.com and here’s one of my problems: Though I have had activated the Jetpack pluging, when I go to set up the Appearance, on my dashboard, there is no the Featured Content option. Could you please, help me with that
    I wanted to change the colours specially on my header and menu area.

    I’ll be kindly waiting for an urgent reply.

    Thank you.
    Rebeca L.

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Rebeca, the Featured Content panel is in the Customizer, not in the dashboard.

    Customize Superhero 1 4 by Automattic tagline

    If you need further help, could you please start a new thread? This one is unrelated and almost a year old. Thanks!


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