• Resolved Juha Mets?kallas



    I am using the gratis version of the plug-in. I have created the following shortcode for a calendar (the one immediately visible at the linked page)

    [ics_calendar guid="EST" url="https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/est.informulo%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics" view="month" combinemultiday="true" eventdesc="true" weeknumbers="true" pastdays="365"]

    The dropdown for the month selection contains the months from a year ago up to the month with events. This works fine. However the initial display seems to default to the first month in the dropdown and not to the current one, as I want.

    Note that the documentation for the parameter startdate says:

    By default, the calendar display will start from the current date.

    Is the start date always the first month in the dropdown in the gratis version or what am I missing?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author room34


    I tested your shortcode, exactly as you provided it, on my sandbox site, and it is correctly loading the page with the current month there:


    Something else on your site must be interacting with the dropdown menu and causing it to load to the first month in the menu.

    If you’re not able to resolve the issue, as a fallback solution you may want to use either monthnav="arrows" or monthnav="both" which will add previous/next month links along with a “Today” link to jump directly to the current month.


    Thread Starter Juha Mets?kallas


    I think I have sort of an explanation. For some reason the dropdown shows in my site only 12 months. Now if the pastdays parameter brings me back so much that the current month is not included within those days counting from the first day in the past, then the dropdown defaults to the first month.

    Note, that that particular calendar has events from 2018 upto June 2024. Even if I set monthnav="both" I cannot browse with the arrows beyond those 12 months.

    So there is definitely something fishy going on.

    I opted for now for a setting that allow browsing ca. three months backward and eight forward.

    Plugin Author room34


    You may want to use the limitdays setting to show future dates. It includes the past days, so to show a year in the past and a year in the future, you’d set it to 730.

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