Hi Comntdoulas,
Thanks for your reply.
For the button, you can enter this custom CSS to give the text more space-
.fca_qc_button.fca_qc_start_button {
height: 64px !important;
Not 100% sure if I understand when you said, “I would like to center the main quiz description as well.”. But it looks like your theme is causing the text to align left? You can try this CSS below –
html.jetpack-lazy-images-js-enabled body.post-template-default.single.single-post.postid-7652.single-format-standard.wp-custom-logo div#content.site-content div.container div.content-left-wrap.col-md-12 div#primary.content-area main#main.site-main article#post-7652.post-7652.post.type-post.status-publish.format-standard.has-post-thumbnail.hentry.category-colorado div.entry-content div#fca_qc_quiz_7779.fca_qc_quiz div.fca_qc_quiz_description p {
text-align: center;
If needed, you can add CSS by going to – your Site → Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS.
I hope that helps. If there is anything else, feel free to message us back.
All the best.