I am assuming you want to install WordPress on your computer in order to learn/develop/play with?
If so, I am not sure that walkthrough is the best. Digital Ocean is a hosting company and Ubuntu 14.04 is one of the servers they offer for VPS (virtual private server) instances. I think the tutorial you followed is for that and in that environment, the Apache and MySQL and so on would be on after any required restarts, whereas, on your machine, you’d have to start/stop them, install all components, etc.
What you appear to be needing is a local machine installation – on your laptop or desktop computer – since you’re trying to access it via localhost. I am not very familiar with Ubuntu (I only used it in the early days of 12.something), so I can’t help you troubleshoot the installation – since visiting the localhost url doesn’t display anything, there could be a lot of things that went wrong with the installation process – from servers to components.
If you’re not determined to do this the hard way, see this link for LAMP. and this for a WordPress stack.
If you want to troubleshoot what you just did, try searching for a DESKTOP installation of WordPress. This is a desktop installation. See if there’s something you might have missed when compared to the tutorial you followed.
A few videos on YouTube might also help out.
I hope this helps.