starting_with not working, but I found a solution
To the plugin author:
Using the parameter starting_with caused the catlist shortcode to output no results, and any other LCP shortcodes do not work on the rest of the page. Example:
[catlist name=glossary-term starting_with=”v” excerpt=yes]
I’m a software dev, so I debugged the LCP plugin code. The problem is in the use of COLLATE UTF8_GENERAL_CI in some of your queries. You can’t assume UTF8_GENERAL_CI is the collation method used across all database hosting providers. I had to use
COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci
in each query that specified collation, since my database uses that collation method. Your “UTF8_GENERAL_CI” collation causes each of your queries to error, killing the plugin output.
I am not sure how you will code around different ways of specifying a case-insensitive query. You could leave the collation statement out of those queries, but you risk some user’s starting_with parameters only responding with upper or lower case results.
I just thought you should know.
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