I see a thing yellow line, with a VERRRY small “powered by wordpress” beneath it, now that you have pointed it out, yes.
Perhaps a screenshot might clarify what I mean by “mess”. While you might know what that is supposed to look like or looked like at one time, someone who hasnt looked at your site before might very well be quite confused. (note that I have cropped that picture after what appears to be the footer you speak of. Because the real page continues to scroll, the footer blends into everything else where it sits, so yes its easy to miss)
As for fixing, Im afraid I cannot help. It looks like your putting together your own theme (looking at your CSS) and short of rewriting it from the ground up I wouldnt even begin to guess where your problem lies.
I can make a cpl suggestions that might make it easier on you though, color your backgrounds of the containining divs, the brighter the color the better, and obviously diff. colors. That makes things easier to distinguish when youre trying to figure out what is not working.
If it were me, I would also reduce the amount of posts while I am doing that, just in an attmept to decrease clutter or info that might confuse.
Thats all I have to offer, that, and taking care of the 3 validation errors:
eventually, that is.
Good luck!