• Resolved Eugen Oprea


    I am not sure how I got myself with the 3.1 beta version installed, but now the home page is not available.

    It actually displays posts, even if I choose as “Front page displays” a static page.

    Is there any know bug for this?

    Thanks for your help.


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  • @demetris

    What are the locations of your frontpage template files?

    It’s in the root of theme folder (same folder as index.php and other theme template files)

    Also discovered that is_home() or is_front_page() doesn’t appear to detect or recognise the homepage either. (I tried a conditional check with my theme to load a different template page when on the home page… didn’t work either).

    It’s as if the post page is overriding / replacing the static homepage.

    I’ll try a few more things this evening to double check (different templates, older no-beta version of wordpress etc) and report back



    Thanks for the answer. I asked because the names of your homepage templates seemed uncommon to me.

    Regarding the conditional functions is_home(), is_front_page() etc.:

    They should work. If they don’t, it’s a bug. Do you by any chance use them directly, like this?

    if (is_home()) {
        # Do something.

    In that case they are not supposed to work, because the WordPress query object is not yet set up at the time WordPress loads the theme files.

    There was an instructive thread about this some time ago at wp-testers:


    I can confirm that when you use the default link structure static front page works, custom permalinks breaks it. It works with Twenty Ten and Thesis with all my plugins.

    For me changing to default permalink structure fixes my menu issue, home is active now. But home uses index.php instead of the page HOME with custom page template..

    Thread Starter Eugen Oprea


    Just in case this helps, I was using the /%postname%/ custom permalink structure, too.




    Any resolution to this issue? I’m having exactly the same problem with 3.1-RC1. If I revert to 3.03 the issue disappears and my static homepage works as expected.

    I’ve been doing some experimenting with my permalink structure and this is the behaviour I’ve noticed so far:

    If I use the default permalink structure (or any of the preset options), the problem disappears.

    If I set a custom permalink structure with the format /%postname/ or /%category%/%postname/ the problem reappears.

    If I set a custom permalink structure with the format /articles/%postname/ the problem disappears.

    Curiously, it seems that including a static element in the custom permalink solves the problem, whatever it is.

    I first noticed the problem in a theme I’m developing myself at the moment but I’ve checked with TwentyTen and the behaviour seems identical.



    Edit – I’ve accidentally left out the ending % sign in some of the %category% and %postname% permalink elements above. That’s just me making a typo here, not what I tried using as my actual permalink structure.

    Moderator Sergey Biryukov


    WordPress Dev

    Should be fixed by either of the patches in #16002.

    I tried the patch but it totally messes up my two custom menu’s.. The custom menu function seems broken after the patch..

    Never mind, patch by greuben works like a charm!

    Thanks everyone for helping us track this down. This was a tricky one. Go to Dashboard -> Updates to auto upgrade to 3.1-RC1-17163, which contains a fix for this.

    Auto upgraded and it still doesn’t work for me. I upgraded on Feb 28th and no new posts show up on my home page since then unless I’m logged in to WP admin.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    thewisdomjournal – Try the default theme for grins and giggles.

    If that fails, please make a NEW topic up in trouble shooting, as this is neither an alpha/beta bug NOR is it helpful to post in a 2 month old topic marked resolved ??

    i have the same issue what should I do ?

    I am still having the same issue … This issue is not fixed. Please come up with a fix as soon as you can.

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